Many of us pray for God to give us a sign on what to do and sometimes we feel like we can't hear Him or maybe He isn't speaking to us, but have you ever thought maybe He is and you just aren't listening?
We say no to whatever He is telling because we are stuck on something. We have harden hearts to what God is telling us. I've come to realize I'm furthest from God when I'm in a relationship and maybe that's why right now I'm not in a relationship. God wants me to grow with Him first. We keep asking for a sign and when we think we can't hear what He is saying to us, then maybe our hearts are harden to what he is saying and we are choosing not to listen because maybe it isn't what we want.
Maybe you have been fixated on this guy you are so in love with or into and you have your mind so set on being with them that you refuse to accept anything different. You pray and pray for God to just give this relationship one more chance, and maybe you keep praying for a sign that things between you two are going to get better. That you will end up together, then you get frustrated because you feel like you're not hearing what God is telling you. But maybe, God is telling you something and you are just not wanting to accept what e is saying.
Recently, I've come to realize that I've had a harden heart to what God was telling me. I've been so busy and focused on what I wanted I never thought that maybe it's not the way God wants. As things just seemed to not get better and the pain and confusion became greater, I had no choice other than to just surrender and cry out. I was so exhausted in trying and being so persistent on what I wanted I never heard what God was telling me. I was so focused on being a better person for this guy, I never stopped to think- Is this guy making me a better person? Is he furthering my walk with Christ?
My relationship with God is far more important than anything else. If I want to grow in my walk with Christ, I have to wait for the guy who is only going to help me with that and not hinder it. I have to wait for the guy that God has for me and not the guy that I want or think I need.
Therefore I will pray for God to send me someone who is on fire for Him. Someone who loves Jesus Christ more than he could ever love me. The man who will not only pray for me every night, but also pray with me. Lord, send me the man You have planned for me, not the one that I think I need. I will pray for a man that makes me want to be a better person and be the best Christian I can possibly be. I will pray for a man who is a servant of God.
So ladies, stop forcing relationships and thinking you have to have someone. You don't need anything or anyone but God. Grow in your relationship with our Heavenly Father and in His timing, He will reveal the perfect man He has in store just for you. Stop fixating on the guy you think you need and open your heart up to the word of God.
"You are the daughter of The King. So walk like it, talk like it, dress like it , and wait for the man who treats you like it."