First of all, thank you.
I never thought I would find true, genuine love in my life, at least not for awhile. I always assumed that bad relationships, awkward dating and heartbreak were to be my "norm" in life until I was later into adulthood, until you came along.
I was 13 when I first met you and I never knew that I was looking at someone I would spend the rest of my life with, someone who would save me from myself. Eight years later, here we are. Our relationship has redefined the term "love" for me and made me realize I had never truly experienced it before. You're my best friend in life and you also love me with your whole being, which is such a crazy thing to think about. I love my best friend and he loves me. I never doubt your love or question your loyalty which means more to me than any material purchase out there. I have security with you and I know it will always be that way.
There are so many reasons why I am thankful for you and our relationship and I seem to find more every day. You're the most genuine soul I have ever met and your outlook on the world around you astounds me. You love and cherish me each day and take care of me in every aspect of life. You hold me when I can't find the light of day and remind me of my beauty when I can only point out each flaw I see in myself. You've put your life on hold on several different occasions so I could follow my dreams and pursue my career and you remind me at the end of each day just how proud of me you are. You try to understand things the best you can in order to comfort me in times of darkness or uncertainty when it comes to struggles that are out of your control. You watch my corny TV shows that you cant stand and look at makeup with me even though you're clueless to it all. You know what's important to me and you make it important to you too.
Who you are as a person and as my partner in life has changed me for the better and given my life new meaning. I don't think I could every repay you for everything you've done for me even though I know you don't do it all to receive anything in return. All I know is I will spend my days loving you with all of my being and making sure you never stray away from happiness. You are the best person I have ever known and I look forward to every adventure and memory we have yet to make.
I love you and you will forever be the man of my dreams...