What person drives over an hour to rescue someone in a broken down car? What person builds you custom bookshelves and desks? What person sees your interest in a PBS show about Yosemite and plans an entire trip for you? What person cares for you no matter what you do? What person teaches you the importance of being carefree? What person works endless and extremely long hours to make your life as comfortable as possible? For me, this person, is the man I get to call my dad.
So hey, Dad, I just wanted to thank you.
Thank you for saving me when my car breaks down, even if it is an hour and a half away. Also, for fixing my car and teaching me how to do things for myself.
Thank you for your humor. I would not be the hilarious person I am today without it. You always know how to get me laughing on the days I am most down in the dumps.
Thank you for the little things, like trips to the grocery store or thrift shop. Every outing is an adventure, especially the ones to random little beaches or towns. We have spent an enormous amount of time on the road together, and each journey left me with a new favorite destination or beautiful view of creation (Or a case of motion sickness, but that could always be cured by sitting in Culver's or China Buffet for hours just chatting).
Thank you for showing me how to let things go. You always find a way to let sh*t go and it shows in me. I can only recall a select few times when you showed even a hint of a temper, and for that, I am extremely grateful.
Thank you for your willingness to experiment in the kitchen. You may have called what we had for dinner “mish mosh” but somehow it always tasted good, and there was never a shortage of leftovers. Especially when you get chili fever.
Thank you for showing me that work is important. As a young kid, I did not appreciate that you were always working weird hours and leaving and coming at different times every week. But I realize that you have worked incredibly hard to make sure everything I need is provided. Swing shift is a bi*ch, but you are the king of conquering it.
Thank you for showing me true happiness. You have taught me so much about life just by showing your happiness in all aspects of life. My positive demeanor was not created by some random force. It was created by your chill attitude and the traits of adventure, cleverness, generosity, and your wealth of knowledge in all the corners of life.
Thank you for being the person that protects me from myself. Your ability to talk me out of my darkest moments is something you seem to have a knack for, and you don’t even know it.
Life would be upside down without you, so thank you, for being my dad, Pops.
From, your Little One.