If life is an epic written by the victors, then the world is enraptured by one single story. A single stage set by those that crown themselves as both the juror and the judge. With an almost dogged persistence, they perform the same play on this stage, night after night, never tiring of telling the audience of people, "Welcome to the interlude of life and the soul as we tell it. Enthrall yourself in the wonders to found in only one side of the story, as for the majority; it is all you will ever hear".
It is this very pattern that one must recognize. When listening to a story or reading the news, I urge you to be aware that this is only one perspective. One perspective is not enough to encompass all that a story may hold and the happenings that might have occurred. Too often, the story or article that is passed through the gates of the media is of one perspective or opinion that suites the audience in which they are aiming to please. One story is not enough to fully explain the events of a battle, activity, or action. Often, there are multiple components and issues that factor into what is concurring within one area.
To dilute this play, to provide a broader basis in which to base an opinion, read and question. Do not stop questioning when the scene ends. Search and implore for an answer to the questions that you ask. Read perspectives from the speech you hate to the words that you enjoy. Informed opinions are not made through accepting the story from the main players; they are made through giving the background actors a chance to voice their opinions.