Disclaimer:The Following article contains vulgarity and strong language, as well as a strong fully brash approach towards difficult times. If you are offended by such writing and or mindset, I'd highly encourage you not to read this. Viewer's Discretion is purposefully advised. You have been warned.
So you are going through a rough moment in your life and you have no where to turn. You don't know who to trust or how to get back on your feet. You blame yourself for your problems and no one fully understands your situation nor the prior moments that lead you too them.
But that's alright to feel that way.
Why do I say that?
Because Life's a Bitch.
Let's face it: No matter how hard you try to make things easier by bettering a low point of your life or attempt to ease a stressful situation; no matter how much people say it will be alright:
It doesn't get better.
That's the reason why we call them a Low Point.
They are meant to suck and make things worse for a reason.
Now I understand the logic behind staying positive during dark periods in your life but for me, I find that logic to be worthless sometimes for said reasons:
1. You could rely too much on ideals and not put forth genuine effort.
2. You could possibly set yourself up for more disappointment.
Reality of the matter being that Murphy's Law plays a Huge factor in this.
For those who are unfamiliar to Murphy's Law, it is stated as such:
"If it can go wrong, it will."
Now granted, this is all coming off as depressing and hopeless, however this is the opposite as such.
The reason I bring all this up is that Mankind enjoys being comfortable. We do not like change because it brings discomfort. There is nothing wrong with feeling that way; I am the same way too. But at the end of the day, we need to be realistic about things.
You're in a shitty part of your life and you need to deal with it.
How to deal with it is entirely up to you, but I can give some advice from my perspective.
Being in the Marine Corps Infantry, I have learned a thing or two about dealing with misery. Literally, you are taught to embrace it as part of the job. There will be moments in my career, and many prior ones before that, where I will be in bad situations and be miserable but I have learned to deal with it in a fool proof way.
There are two words in the Grunt world that you practically use on the daily:
"Fuck it!"
You are so deep in the hole with no way out that you just don't care anymore and do what ever it takes to get out of it. Saying those two words helps me develop the mental strength to get out of your situation as best as possible all while keeping a realistic attitude about your situation.
Take note that this way of thinking is definitely not for everyone. But in light of the way the world and our country is heading towards, it's always best to keep an open mind on different ways of tackling problems.
So the next time you're in a funk or your crap ain't together, say the magic words and reap willpower afterwards. Even if you're at the bar and have been eyeing that cute girl(or whatever you like) for the past three hours while sipping on your warm Budweiser, give it a shot and grab your cojones. You've got nothing to lose.
Trust me, you'll thank me later.
And that's all I got to say about that.