If you’re a fan of EDM and all its genres, you know just how incredible it is. The atmosphere of music festivals, the people you meet, and everything in between just makes it so special and unique. EDM consists of a culture that preaches peace, love, unity, and respect (PLUR, if you will) that makes everyone and anyone feel comfortable and happy. I know many people will agree with me when I say that I have never felt more accepted as my true self than when I’m at an EDM festival. Everyone dresses crazy, lets loose, and just spreads the love and respect that makes these festivals completely intoxicating.
It’s truly difficult for me as an individual to describe why EDM is so life changing; so I thought why not ask for some help?
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I went to the EDC Orlando 2017 group on Facebook and created a post asking the 3,000+ members what would be their favorite part of EDM and EDM festivals!
Here are their beautiful and original responses:
Stephanie Dickey: "There are so many things about raving / going to festivals that I love. I'm from Maine, so not many events come my way so I have to travel at least 8 hours. Because I live so far from events, I've gotten to travel all over for festivals. My favorite part is meeting people from all over the world. I have friends that I meet up with every year now, that if I didn't start attending shows, than I would have never met them. Everyone is always so nice and accepting in the rave community. Everyone accepts people for who they are. No one cares if you gay, straight, white, black, Asian, Hispanic, rich, poor or anything. Nothing really matters for those few hours except for what is happening right there in front of you."
Tania Lizbeth R: "Simply put....The peace, the love, the unity, the respect and most of all.....the music.
Taha Mehdi: My favorite part about festivals is the general good vibes that are always present... It brings the best out of people and our community is unlike any other. When you take that and add in music by amazing artists, mind blowing lights, sound, and stage production, you're in a completely judgment free zone that is straight up magical. And at a time when the world is filled with hate it's amazing to be part of a movement promoting love."
Cindy Lopez: "My favorite part of going to music festivals is the people and the music. The music is so magical and I feel like in some where else when EDM plays when I'm at a music festival all my problems are gone and I'm just living the moment and I'm the happiest person alive. The fact that music festivals attract beautiful And amazing people and we are all there for the same reason is amazing. Being able to meet new people and connect with them through music is amazing."
Mia Alaire Ivey: "I love trap, or drum and bass...my favorite part of going to festivals is dressing up."
Kymberly Luft: "My favorite part of going to raves is the love that surrounds everyone. As soon as you walk in, the feelings of stress, pain, worries, & judgement all leave. I live in Door County WI, Summerset Music Fest in Somerset, was my first festival. It changed my life forever. I have never experienced so much positivity from so many people in my life. EDC Orlando was my 2nd this year & I will continue to travel to shows as much as I can.
I thought I loved music before, but since then, I can't even put into words the way it makes me feel. The filth, & head banging music makes my body just want to jam out and go crazy, feeling the bass throughout your whole body. All with permagrin on my face. Then you get the feelers. The way that type of edm ignites all of your happiness to bring you to tears is incredible. When I hear certain songs I've heard at shows, I still get goosebumps.
The power of music is one of the most amazing things in life. To relate with so many different types of people at the same time, is truly world peace for those short hours. 💚"
Paola Gonzalez: "Festivals are a safe space for many of us. We can be ourselves without judgment or explanation. I'm free to dress up as much or as little as I'd like and I'm still welcomed with warmth and happiness. I've had the pleasure of meeting some of the sweetest souls at these kinds of events."
Greg Packer: "I love everything that the Rave scene brings to so many people. I love the Music, The outfits, And most of all, The Chance to be among so many people as one no matter what you are. Everyone and anyone is welcome at a Rave Festival as long as one another is accepted and respected."
Dimar El Brujo Klammer: "The music, the people, the frienz yet 2 B MaDe...I looove every single 1 of my edm f∆M!!!
Oh, yea...da visualz t00.....lmao"
Greg Gauss: "My favorite part of dance music is the natural high you get when the bass drops and you hear your favorite song, or a new remix of something you love.
My favorite part of music festivals is the interactions with all the lovely people, all smiling and having the time of their lives. ❤-DJ GREG"
As you can see, there is a lot of love in this culture. The music promotes wild dancing and the growth of human interaction. Going into a festival, people feel safe and are not judged for being themselves. No matter who you are or where you’re from, once you walk through those gates you are welcomed into open arms. And THAT’S why I love EDM, and why I look forward to every festival I plan to attend. Spread the PLUR, and rave on!
With love, Megan