For all of us college students, sometimes we just have those days where we just can't seem to catch a break. For a lot of us, there are days where we just give up trying to be positive. Here are some of the biggest losses we can possibly take in college.
1. Missing a class
Because you're exhausted, lazy, there's no point because everything is online, or all of the above. You're lying if you say you've never missed/skipped a class.
2. Missing the bus - even after you just sprinted to catch it
We all know the anxiety of having your bus fly past you when there's only 10 minutes left until your next class starts. It's okay, those bus drivers just don't care.
3. Having to get off the bus because you're not behind the yellow line
We all know the horrors of that North South bus at Tate from 12-2 PM every single day... Horrific.
4. Getting on the wrong bus and going the opposite way around campus
Oh, no, it's fine. Not like you were already late to that class where your professor hates you, counts lates as absences, or calls you out when you try to sneak in the back. You wanted to take a luxurious tour around Athens, right?
5. Forgetting to study for a test
Do I even need to explain this one? There are just too many things going on in college to remember every single little test you have to study for... Oops.
6. Failing a test you swore you aced
One of the most epic fails you can possibly experience in college. So epically disappointing.
7. Leaving the MLC when people are getting up for tomorrow
Sometimes pulling all nighters are just necessary.
8. Not getting a study room in the MLC a day before a big test/project
The fight for those study rooms are more ferocious than the Hunger Games sometimes, but the day before a big test/project when you just need some constant quiet study time, there are never any rooms - tragic. Just tragic.
9. Falling down in public, especially downtown
We all know the embarrassment, but these fallings are just too common in Athens now to think anything of them. Just laugh it off, everyone else is already laughing at you anyway.
10. Missing a good Bolton cookie day
No matter what your favorite cookie flavor is, Bolton has them all at some point. You go for lunch and miss the new batch of double chocolate chip? You'll regret it all week long until those beautiful cookies are back at Bolton, ready for you to devour, graciously contributing to your freshmen 15, sophomore 30 or even your junior 45.
11. Getting a parking ticket on campus that is 5x as expensive as a regular Athens parking ticket
I know this feeling well. Late to class? Don't even think about driving and parking somewhere random on campus. Late for a test? Oh well, UGA parking patrollers are just relentless.
12. Showing up to a class that has been cancelled because you didn't see the email from your teacher saying it was cancelled
Yeah, it's the worst.
13. Accidentally sending a text to the person you were trying to text about
The panic, the stress, the immediate regret and guilt taking over: "Sorry, that was supposed to go to my mom..."
It happens way too much for you to be a college student.
14. Eye bags, dark circles around your eyes, and/or consistently looking ill after a big test week
Finals are too stressful to try and look decent everyday on top of it all. Let's all just apologize in advance to the entire population of Athens right now, finals are about to hit us like a train.
15. Having negative money to your name
Tuition, housing, books, charity organizations (because Miracle dance marathon is a must), extracurriculars, food, shopping, and just living away from home costs money. You're just constantly broke now-a-days but welcome to adulthood.
16. Strategically skipping certain classes each week
Whether it's to study for another class, sleep, or just watch netflix in your bed, we all plan out our 3 excused absences.
17. Professors that keep teaching beyond the end of class
Everyone has packed up their stuff, started talking, half stood-up, ready to leave, and this professor just won't be quiet. He/she just won't stop teaching new things and all you want to do is leave. Excruciating.
18. Three tests and a cumulative final being your only grades in a class (or all of your classes)
19. The walk of shame -- or even the bus ride of shame... Ouch.
Embarrassing and shameful, but we all gotta do it at some point. No matter what you believe or who you were with last night, sleepovers are never fun when you're walking home getting looks from everyone you pass. It's kind of a college trend to hold your shoes on the ride, too.
20. Waking up with battle wounds from the night before
Even if you don't remember exactly what happened, waking up all foggy and groggy is never fun. Who knows what you said or did? Everyone but you. Uh oh.
Although we all lose some in college, we also win a few, too. Celebrate the little victories during this time in your life - they are very important to hold onto when those L's are just way too common.