To the love I lost way to soon,
What I wouldn't give to see your precious smile one last time, to be held in those big arms of yours, or to give you one last kiss. Aaron, you were my entire world and I am beyond blessed to have had the privilege of being your girlfriend. It has been a whole new experience living in a world without you and it has been harder than I would have ever imagined. Actually, I never imagined it because I never believed something so terrible could happen to someone so wonderful.
My heart is broken. My eyes are filled with tears. My stomach is in knots. My future a blur.
Losing someone is the hardest thing in this world, but losing the love of your life is some other feeling that I cannot explain. When you lose someone you turn to your loved ones, significant others, or family. He was all of those for me. I turned to him for every situation and he was the one I would turn to in a situation like this but he is gone. He is the person I am mourning. The person I loved most in this world is now no longer in it.
They say time heals wounds, but this is a wound that will never fully heal. A part of me left with him that I will never get back, but a part of him will always be with me. When I look at my bedside table I see him, when I walk into work I feel him, when I talk to his sister I hear him, and when I am with his family I sense him. The world was simply a better place with him in it.
My love was not just an ordinary guy. He was smart, handsome, passionate, a gym junky and best of all God loving. There wasn't a person who met him that didn't like him. He was the person that made everyone feel so special. When he walked into a room a light came with him and there was never a dull moment when he was around. You could just feel the love and happiness when he was near.
I'll never forget the first day we met. Who would have guessed me taking you on a Braves Date Night would kick start our love story. I tried so hard not to fall for you because you were transferring schools, but there was just something about you that made me want to never leave your side. So, two months later, we started dating and the entire time I have been the happiest girl in the world. We had so many adventures together that I will cherish forever. You came into my life and made me such a better person. Our story wasn't finished but God needed you with him more than I needed you here. I may not understand why he took you so soon but I am trying to trust in him the way you would want me too.
I leave you all with this, never take a day for granted. You never know when the last time is the last until it is. Always remember to tell the ones you love how you feel about them. Life is not guaranteed to last forever. Life is precious, live it while you can.
Aaron, I will love you until the very end. I will see you again one day.