I've been that girl before. That girl that is so obsessed with the ideas of love and romance that she lets it cloud her judgement and the way she perceives relationships. I've dated for the wrong reasons, found my worth in my boyfriend, and let myself be consumed with my need for attention from him. These are unhealthy habits to make and typically don't lead to Christ-centered relationships, and with all these things in mind, I’ve realized what kind of love I want to find this year.
This year, I want to find a love for life. I want to fall in love with my life completely and totally. That may sound a little ridiculous and narcissistic, but think about it: when’s the last time you truly enjoyed the life you led? Before getting into another serious relationship, I want to fully appreciate and live my life in a way that not only glorifies God, but takes advantage of the opportunities that only come around with being single. The love I want to find in 2017 is a love for myself and my life without feeling like I’m missing something.
I want to live my life to the fullest. Yes, that sounds like something people say before they start backpacking across Europe or climbing Mount Everest, but for me, it's quite different. Living my life to the fullest means waking up each day knowing I have a purpose, and that purpose is to glorify God. It means taking leaps of faith that scare me a little (or sometimes a lot) and knowing He's going to be there to catch me. Living my life to the fullest means that I take a conscious decision to make the most of the opportunities He's provided for me, no matter how humble or small they may seem at the time.
I want to find acceptance within myself for the person I am this year. I am well aware that I have my fair share of flaws and problems, but I don't want that to be a source of insecurity for me. I want to correct the flaws that are hurting my relationship with Christ and those around me, while accepting the things I cannot change that stem from nothing except unhealthy views of myself. It's impossible for me to love my life while simultaneously rejecting myself as a person.
In short, I want this to be a year of discovery. I want to discover that though being confidently sold out for Christ, I can fall perfectly head over heels in love with my imperfect life.