The Lore Of Doppelganger Ghosts | The Odyssey Online
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The Lore Of Doppelganger Ghosts

You would never think you would have to watch out for yourself.

The Lore Of Doppelganger Ghosts

I'm sure you have heard plenty of ghost stories, but have you heard of doppelganger ghosts? doppelganger means "double-walker" or "double-goer" in German. Basically, a doppelganger ghost is seeing double of yourself, but as a ghost, Extremely creepy, right? It's said that a lot of famous people in history have seen doppelgangers of themselves.

Science says that seeing these ghostly visions could be an electrical malfunction in the brain like schizophrenia. But many believe these ghostly doubles are bad omens. Generally, the bad omen that doppelganger ghosts portray is that if you see yourself, it means something tragic will happen to you, like death or an illness.

Notable famous people that have seen double include President Abraham Lincoln, Catherine the Great, English poet Percy Bysshe Shelly, Queen Elizabeth I, French writer Guy de Maupassant and many more.

President Lincoln's paranormal experience with his doppelganger ghost seemed to have foretold his fatal death in 1865. It's said that when Lincoln looked in the mirror he saw two of his faces. His wife Mary, was there to witness it as well. She claimed that it must mean he would get reelected in the second term because of his "double" faces, but his double looked "deathly" so that must mean that he would die in his second term. Shortly after his reelection, as we all know, he had been assassinated by John Wilkes Booth.

Queen Elizabeth I of England also witnessed her doppelganger ghost. According to the queen herself, she found her doppelganger looking sickly ill laying in her bed. Soon after that experience Queen Elizabeth died from a sickness that left her bed ridden.

It's said that your doppelganger ghost can appear to others as a sign of your impending death. Which happened in the case of well known poet Percy Bysshe Shelly, he is better known as the husband of Mary Shelly (the author of Frankenstein).

Percy Shelly did also witness his own doppelganger ghost—multiple times, which he later admitted to his wife Mary. But, not only did he witness his own doppelganger ghost, it was also seen by Mary Shelly's close friend Jane Williams. She would see him walking down a path by her home but never returning; this all would happen when Percy was nowhere near. After these incidences, he drowned in a sailing accident in 1812.

It's unsettling that seeing yourself can be a foreshadowing of your own demise. Here you can read more about all the tales of famous people seeing their doppelganger ghosts.

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