8 Things For your Long Island Summer Bucket List | The Odyssey Online
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8 Things For your Long Island Summer Bucket List

How to spend one long summer on one long island (from a pro).

8 Things For your Long Island Summer Bucket List
Kory Krasowski Vocabulary

Summer is finally here and for many people, that means no school, rest and relaxation, Netflix & chilling, and very hot weather. But, if you live on the coast like I do on Long Island, it is extra special. Here is my bucket list of things you must do on Long Island during the summertime (before it is over):

1. Splish Splash

The Travel Channel named Splish Splash in Calverton the 3rd best water park in America and they are not kidding around. With over 30 rides for guests young and old, this place is an oasis for those who are looking to beat the heat, and what better way is there to do that other than getting soaked on an 8 story-water slide that drops you from top to bottom in 3 seconds, or getting dodged by waves in two massive wave pools?

2. Ralph's Famous Italian Ices

A Long Island staple for a very long time, you probably can't drive through any town without seeing one of these. Open only seasonally, Ralph's offers hundreds of flavors of ices, sherbets, and frozen drinks. With often long lines and long waits, no wonder this place is so popular. I mean, where else can you order PB Candy Bar Fudge or Pineapple Cheesecake-flavored ices on a hot summer day?

3. Fire Island

Located off of the South Shore of Long Island, this place is paradise to Long Island, even though they are not attached to each other. With miles and miles of beach, flora, fauna, lighthouses, parks, and summer homes, this place is such a hot spot during the summer. No wonder they call it "Fire" island!

4. The Parks

Yes, I know parks are year-round operations, but if you want to experience all that they have to offer then the summer season is the best time. Parks like Eisenhower in East Meadow, one that is larger than Central Park, and Bethpage State Park offer activities such as tennis, golf, swimming, softball, soccer, hockey, and at Eisenhower, an outdoor amphitheater and restaurant. And don't forget about state parks such as Jones Beach, Sagamaore Hill in Cove Neck, Planting Fields Arboretum State Historic Park in Upper Brookville and Robert Moses State Park on Fire Island. All of these parks offer the beauty we have come to know from Long Island during the long, hot days of summer.

5. The Nature

Long Island offers a wide variety of farmland, oceans and vineyards where many crops are grown (or fished) and are enjoyed by people all over the country. Having these places in our backyards is a major advantage to us Long Islanders. What would we do without our farmer's markets and fresh fruit, berries, flowers, seafood and gourmet wines? I don't know.

6. The East

Welcome to the more "famous" part of Long Island, a place we natives like to call "out east." The "tip" of the island is home to plenty of beaches, shopping, wineries, farms, and of course, Montauk and the Hamptons. With its rocky beaches and famous lighthouse at the former and world class shopping, fine dining, and celebrity sighting at the latter, I got a feeling this part of Long Island isn't dull, boring, or not exciting.

7. The Concerts at Jones Beach

The Nikon at Jones Beach Theater is one of the Island's most popular concert venues. With it's location being right on the water and a nice, cool breeze coming from the beach, what could be more perfect then spending a nice summer evening outdoors listening to your favorite band or artist. This year's line up includes Journey, The Doobie Brothers, Dave Matthews Band, Weezer, Panic! At The Disco, Def Leppard, Florida Georgia Line, Gwen Stefani, Josh Groban, Heart, Counting Crows, Brad Paisley, Snoop Dogg, Blink-182, Jimmy Buffet, and Rascal Flatts. Wow, this place rocks!

8. The Beaches

Last but not least, we come to the signature attraction of Long Island, the beaches. Located on both the north and south shores of the island, nothing truly says summer without lying on the warm sand curled up with a book in your hand or catching waves from the ocean. Whether your beach of preference is Jones Beach or TOBAY, you are sure to get the true summer experience in a coastal region by soaking up the sun or taking a dip in the water. On Long Island, nothing is out of reach when you got the warm,cool, sunny beach!

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