Here are some ways your Significant Other(SO) will send a silent ‘I Love you’. Often these will go unnoticed or you might start to expect them to do a few of these but don't take them for granted.
Holding hands while out on a walk.
Ordering your food.
Taking you out.
Buying you food.
Picking things up without asking.
Doing the dishes. Without being told.
Putting away dishes without being told.
Cleaning the house for you.
Sending you flowers.
Taking you to a movie.
Bringing you coffee.
Making you coffee.
Taking you on adventures.
Opening a door for you.
Doing the laundry.
Putting a blanket over you when you nap.
Taking the groceries in, all at once.
There are always little ways your significant other will tell you they love you and we don’t always recognize these small acts. Take a moment to do a little something sweet for your SO.