At 19 years old I know that my future children are the last things I should be thinking about. I can’t help it though. Working with kids the past year and half has forced me to start thinking about what I want my children to know or realize. They are little things that I have to remind “my kids” about every day (by “my kids” I am referring to the extraordinary children I work with at my job). Whether it is to stop hitting someone, or to wash their hands, I think about what I will probably forget to remind my future children. Hopefully this will make it easier for me to remember.
1. Don’t ever let weird be an insult, embrace it and be your quirky self.
People are going to be mean and nasty—that is unavoidable. However, instead of letting it get to you or trying to change, you can embrace those unique qualities that make you so great.
2. Tell the boy or girl how you feel.
As someone who was never brave enough to tell the boy how she felt, be confident and fearless. You never know how someone feels until you put yourself out there.
3. Listen to authority.
Whether it’s me, teachers, staff at a summer program, or cops just listen to them. It will go so much smoother if you’re honest and follow directions.
4. You are who you hang out with.
It is easy to see the progression of peer pressure through different age groups. It is difficult for children, especially the older ones, to understand that if you’re with a group that is doing bad things, people are going to assume you’re doing that bad thing too, no matter if you are or not. Choose your friends wisely.
5. Don’t be worried if you don’t get involved right away.
High school and college are filled with clubs and activities to choose from. It is completely OK if you just want to focus on school. Most things that you want to do and will fall into place with little effort.
6. Your siblings may just become your best friends.
I used to think that my sister and I would never be close. We always fought and still do sometimes. However, as we’ve gotten older she is now one of my closest friends. It is possible that might happen to you too some day.
It is OK not to be OK.
There will be times in your life that everything isn’t going your way. It might feel like the whole world is against you. Just know that one day you will be OK even if you’re not right then.
I am sure there are many more things that I will want to tell my future children but these are just a few that I have learned in my short 19 years of life.