I was never number one in high school; I was never the lead in the musical, I never played varsity softball, I didn't medal at state speech, and I was always an all state choir alternate. It seemed like there was always someone who could easily out do me, and often times I thought it would be easier to just give up.
My senior year of softball was especially tough; I still, after years of playing, wasn't put on varsity. I was tired of giving it my all, and not getting anything in return. I talked to my mom about quitting, and she fully supported me if quitting was going to make me happy. Then I came across a quote that changed how I viewed softball.
"If you ever feel like giving up, just remember there's a little girl watching you who wants to be just like you, so don't disappoint her."
This quote changed my entire senior year. I thought about all the little girls in my life from my little sister to the freshman girls on the team. What would quitting something so important to me show them? What kind of role model was I being?
Role models play such a vital role in children's lives. Setting a good example is very important to children's upbringing. Parents are generally children's first role models, and they are very important, but role models outside of their home are equally important. Children often look up to high school students. When I was in elementary school, the high school students seemed so mature and talented. I wanted to be just like the girls in show choir, the students in the musical, and my assistant softball coach, but we never really realize it when we become those people. If finally hit me after I read this quote. I was the girl in show choir. I was the student in the musical. I was the assistant softball coach, and I would have never gotten as far as I did without the hard working students who had come before me. Realizing this helped me in finding inspiration and motivation to be a good role model.
I want to be a good role model to provide inspiration to the next generation. I strive to inspire kids to work hard, and to find something they are passionate about. As kids, we believe that we can do whatever we want. The possibilities seem endless, but as we grow older they seem to shrink. With a good role model, kids can keep this belief, but they also need to know that if they want something, they have to work for it. That should be the goal of every role model. Children need to see people who work hard and are successful to know that with the same amount of hard work, they can do anything.
It is also important to note, that in order to be a good role model you do not have to be the best at what you do. If children are only exposed to the incredible, naturally talented people who don't have to put in much effort they may start to see their dreams as impossible. Not everyone is born with a perfect dancers body, a voice of silk, or incredible coordination, but that does not mean that they can not be a successful role model. I was not a softball big shot, in fact, I was cut from the team my freshman year, but I showed what hard work and perseverance can do. By the end of my senior softball season, I was designated batter for varsity, and I hit my first varsity home run at districts. The feeling of pride I got knowing my hard work had paid off was incredible, but there was another feeling that felt even better. I knew that the girls playing on junior varsity saw hope. I was the underdog, no doubt about it, just like all of them, but I worked hard and never let the immense amount of bench time deter me. I hope that they saw a glimpse of hope for themselves and that I motivated them to stick with the sport that I love so much.
I look at all the tiny humans in my life, and that is what motivates me to never quit. I know that I don't have to be number one to inspire and motivate them to find their passion, work hard, and be awesome. If we continue to be good role models for the next generation, maybe it will set a chain reaction. I worked hard at what I did. Now my little sister is getting older, and I see myself in her. She isn't a softball all star, but she gives it her all and is growing so much as a player and as a person. I know that there is a little girl who wants to be just like her, and I have no doubt that she will not disappoint her, so I challenge you to do the same. Take a look at the tiny humans in your life, and work hard to start your own chain reaction. Remember the little girl every time you want to give up, and I know you won't disappoint.