The Light Of The Human Heart
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The Light Of The Human Heart

On this planet, we are our our greatest allies.

The Light Of The Human Heart

Essence - Our Shining Light

As humans, we are creatures of unlimited flavor. The sheer scope of creativity and diversity amongst the cultures and individuals of the world are beyond comprehension.

While we can sincerely feel the awe as we stand in the light of humanity, I often feel that little and less time is spent to trying to understand its character. Personally, I have never been more in awe of the world than watching humans come together and unleash each other’s potential. The synergy we have access to is a phenomenon unparalleled. This is the true power of humanity.

Humans are capable of infinite adaptability to fit the needs of a system. They can access different nuances of their own talents to balance the needs of the greater good. Our diversity and creativity are our strength.

In this world, there is no one ideology that can act as a savior. The world is too complicated for that, far beyond that low level of cognition. Our world is moved by systems, and systems do not seek to force rising influence of one of its pieces. It seeks balance.

People are very much the personification of this when motivated to attain a common goal together. Those in a group begin to motivate each other to become necessary pieces of the puzzle. Groups of people will mold around one another and critique each other. Friendly competition, or fresh interpersonal connection with a similar or dissimilar mind can rouse actions and ideas of genius.

The group’s system of communication finds its stewards in the hands of mediators and presenters. The planners take that communication and stretch it across graphs and calendars giving substance and tangibility to the their spirit. The group discovers its caretakers, who bolster and support. The artists illustrate and create, inspired by spirits around them, in turn becoming catalysts for greater ascension with their work.

It is here where suddenly the goal becomes more than simply attainable; it lays shattered at the feet of those who raised each other up as champions. These individuals have found that their talents can and do co-exist and even bolster one another.

Much like a system, their strengths and weaknesses were balanced. Where the artists could not communicate with words, the presenter could. Where the group could not mold their idea into physical realty, the artist’s hearts were moved to create.

This is the central reason why I must rebuff those who would seek to judge and leave behind others of our kin. This is why I reject a world where precious time and energy is spent in the judgment of others or the arrogance of a complex of supremacy.

Much like the people who came together in the group aforementioned in the example, the cultures of the world have the opportunity to embrace one another. Societies must collide to allow for the unique strengths of each to teach and balance one another. There is no one religion, culture, nationality that defies all others and will bring us to salvation here on the planet together. Cultures, much like people, must interact and learn about each other. We must not be afraid to grow when the established order is challenged. If we are, then we will never ascend.

Every ideology practiced infinitely to end point results in death. There is nothing that can surmount the tremendous task of representing the entirety of the human experience without leaving a trail of negatives. It is all a double-edged sword. Every ideology needs balance -- every single solitary ideology.

The Link - Ourselves, and Character

There is, however, one absolutely integral piece of the puzzle that must be addressed. The most important aspect of this ascension is the power of giving.

In a system that seeks to keep moving, there must be "give and take."

With all systems, each piece must return in exchange for what it has taken, lest the circle starts to crumble. People make up systems of the societies of Earth.

As with all groups of people, there will always be disagreements. What this means for us is that we do not get to cherry pick exactly what we want and give only what we want to give. Sometimes the world needs more from us.

Sometimes the greater good requires sacrifice. Specifically, individual sacrifice, chosen and given by the soul who made the decision.

This is where altruism and compassion can serve not just as poetic ideals, but as worthy contributors to our world. They must be used as extensions of our individual empathy for the state of the human condition. We can be slighted and turn the other cheek. We can give without expecting return. We can balance the wickedness in the system by filling the disparity with our individual choices to act on behalf of the good of the system.

We can work into our lives as sense of gratitude for what we have which allows us to smile when others receive. We can allow ourselves to give more. We can move the world along with trying to grapple it into submission, dragging the lives of others down.

When this happens, we are putting into our world where others are taking.

I've always seen the universe (or however you describe the infinite) return in spades for character, love, and gratitude. The returns do not come instantly, but the long term effects are powerful. Fulfillment is often the result, as opposed to a fading pleasure of satisfaction.

It is a shame that world feels so big. If it did not, everyday people would not be so inclined to move on behalf of their ego - and take. The frightened monkey on the inside that slams and pouts for us to satisfy as quickly as possible demands us choices that do not contribute but instead take.

While there is nothing inherently evil about taking, we humans are gifted with free will and can work to twist the system to take as much as we can while expending the least effort. This translates exceedingly often to taking without giving, and there is not system that can continue to cycle when its pieces do not heed their responsibility to the greater world.

We all know the situations: the coworker we do not want to make peace with, refusing to apologize, or letting your anger go on one who does not deserve it. There are those of us who take it further, and take advantage of people with lies. Then there are still others who find themselves choosing between friends or taking an action that will only bring misery.

Again, the world feels so big as to make the everyday person feel as though their actions fold into a vacuum after reaching the immediate environment.

This is not true.

People are lightning rods for emotions, and will continue to push out reverberations in all directions. With so many choosing to take or to belittle because we afraid of something different, the echoes begin to appear around every corner. The choices and actions above may seem small, but enacted by the millions every day of every year they will begin to take their toll.

To the contrary, millions of people giving individually of themselves can alleviate this wickedness. There is truth to the idea that we can have our beliefs but be aware of the greater picture. We must be aware of this glorious diversity and meet with the others who share the world with us in a place of “doing good”.

You see, “good” stopped being an abstract concept in my life when I saw that having self-control (also known as character) and practicing altruism played important parts in the world we live in. They do not pay off as often in the short term, but their returns in the long run are needed to trump subjugation to the animal inside of us.

We have to understand our place in the world instead of viciously hanging onto cultures of the past. We must reject societal norms that urge use to seek instant gratification and oppress perceived lesser peoples and decline to make our own egos the center of the world. We must reject actions that divides us, whether or not their intentions are good.

There is a responsibility given to the human race through our freedom of will to use our knowledge to give to the systems that keep our world in motion.

We have a responsibility to each other and our one Earth to seek the light of the human heart so that we may illuminate a compassionate future for all of our wonderful family on this planet.

We are made to work together.

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