Twins are not as common as it seems, even though I know a few sets of twins. According to Baby Center, twins occur in three out of 100 births. I am just one of the many people in this world who are lucky enough to be able to call themselves a twin.
People always ask what it’s like to have a twin and I don’t exactly have an answer to that. It truly is a challenge to illustrate exactly how it feels to have a twin. My twins' name is Lauren and she is my only sibling. The only way I can describe what it’s like to have a twin is to say that, imagine having a sibling the exact age as you. Generally, we think the same things, act and wear the same color clothes. Not really sure if wearing the same color clothes is a part of the twin connection but, it happened more than you think. Don’t get me wrong, we fought when we were younger just like siblings do but at the end of the day, we both knew we had something special that not every sibling could have, a twin.
Having a twin is amazing, always having someone to play with when you are younger and older. My sister and I always end up outside, playing kan jam or just jumping on the trampoline. Whatever we may be doing, we do it together. Lauren and I have a strong connection not only as twins but as siblings and family. No matter the situation you always have someone to talk to and hang around with, someone who knows you better than anyone else.
I’m so proud of Lauren, she is extremely motivated in what she does and to be honest, it motivates me also. No matter what it is in life, she gives it 110 percent and that makes me so happy and proud to call her my twin. She graduated college, works a great job--doing what she loves--and this motivates me to work just as hard as she did to be successful.
We may have been born one-minute apart but at the end of the day, I love my twin sister Lauren and I would and could never imagine my life any other way. I am truly blessed and so incredibly lucky to be one of the few people in this world that can call themselves twins. I love my family and my twin sister, praying that maybe one day I can have my own set of twins.