Since I was in elementary school, I suffered from migraines. I used to get them every single day and end up going to the nurse's office. She always had me lay down on a reclining bed with an ice pack over my left eye, where they occur. It became so frequent that I think she thought I was faking it so that I can go home, which was never the case.
Migraine sufferers face agonizing pain and become very sensitive to light and sounds. Sometimes, the only way to relieve some pain was by throwing up, which is not something we want to resort to. We become scared to get up from sitting or laying down because occasionally tunnel vision will happen. Laying down and trying to stay cool becomes impossible when your body heat takes over. Some of us even blackout from these actions. They cause you to cancel social gatherings, miss classes, and just parts of life you could be enjoying.
For those who have Apple devices, the darkest setting for the screen is not enough. There's a hack that you can use in order to make that happen. Google searching "iPhone accessibility zoom screen brightness tutorials" can be the answer to your problem.
Some stores, even Amazon, carries menthol cool and soothing head strips when the Aspirin and Excedrin don't help. Ice packs and laying down can end up not being enough.
Putting a heated compress on your neck along with using an ice pack can be helpful for some. The heat will relax your muscles and keep tension from building up. We think heat is bad, especially in the summer, but it can help when applied to that area.
Drinking water and staying hydrated can be helpful. Sometimes lack of water can trigger them just as much as stress and hormonal changes can. Watch what you eat as some foods can be triggers as well.
Migraine sufferers, we are not alone. Family, friends, teachers, and bosses need to understand and support us. If we don't have that, just know we have each other and we will always understand.