The life of a college student is hectic. Each week students have class, homework, reading, tests, quizzes, jobs, clubs and other extracurricular activities while still being expected to make time for a social life. There are a few stages that every College of Charleston student goes through.
1. Having absolutely no money to do anything with friends
2. Waking up and having to deal with all the people you don't want to deal with
4. When someone keeps asking the dumbest questions in class and you just want them to shut up and let the professor teach
5. Trying to be nice to someone and then realizing they're not worth your time
6. Thinking walking across the Cistern won't matter, but then freaking out that you actually did it and won't graduate
7. Applying for jobs and being asked about your weaknesses
8. Pulling an all nighter and then having to go to an exam9. When something in your life actually goes according to the plan
10. Sleeping in and not going to your first class
11. That moment when you realize you’re close to the freshman 15 so you make your friend eat more healthily with you
12. When it has been a long day and you finally get a break
13. When your family asks how your semester is going
14. When someone says to you that you eat way too much
15. When you have no food so you resort to stealing some from your roommates
16. When you study for hours on end, and you still fail17. When you spread yourself so thin, you literally save every second possible18. No matter how stressful it is, you wouldn’t change a thing
Although college students tend to spread themselves very thin and they have to participate in many activities, college is a wonderful time for everyone to figure out what they want to do with their lives. Although it can be hectic and stressful, it is worth all the stress to see what you can become.