I think I can speak for all of us college students when I say, college is the shit. I mean come on, no parental guidance, living on our own, being able to go out when we want, and making our very own decisions for most of us, for the first time in our lives. College is fun, thrilling, and honestly, if I could, I never want to leave. However, let's get down to the truth about college and trying to survive in this world of 18-22 year olds.
Adulting is hard. College is where we see for ourselves, mommy and daddy are not going to be providing for us anymore, or for some, for much longer. We have to figure out where we're living, who we're living with, what we're going to make for dinner, how we're going to fit in time for homework, and how we can support ourselves financially when it comes to tuition, gas money, groceries, and occasionally a few extra bucks for some beer and cheese balls from Pub II.
Dealing with all of these things at such a young age is hard, stressful, and sometimes makes you consider: is the education even worth it? Teachers: why do you assign tests the day after a quiz, papers due all within the same week as our other classes, and test us on things we didn't even learn? Why do we have to figure out what we want to do with the rest of our lives at such a young age? How is it that I did so bad on a test when I was up studying at club Milner until 3 in the morning? These are questions that make our generation question why college is worth all of the stress, pain, and tears.
Within our generation, people can be hard to trust nowadays. As a college student in this generation, we are constantly being told by our peers to watch out for the people around us. As terrifying as it sounds, but terrifying because it is completely true, we never know who we can trust. How are we, so young, supposed to know who it is that could spread a rumor about us, attempt to take advantage of us or betray us? Obviously, we all have our close groups of friends we can hopefully rely on, but we can never be too careful at such a young age, surrounded by such a diverse group of people in one area. People can be mean. People will tell you as it is. People will do anything to be "that cool kid." This is college in the 21st century; we live, and we learn. Without the hardships, stress, and occasional tears, we wouldn't be properly prepared for all of the successful things that happen afterwards. So, thank you college: for as much as you may suck for a student in the 21st century, I wouldn't want it any other way.