Being an RA, or Resident Assistant, is no easy job. From on-call shifts and incidents, to crafting and program coordinating with coworkers; there's a lot to do. Granted, while it's not the most relaxing, simple, or typical college job, it is by far the most fun and rewarding position you could ask for. Here's a small look into the life of an RA -- as told by "Friends":
Before you start the job and training, you meet the RAs working in your building and have no idea who anyone is or how the year is going to be.
These are the people I will live and work with for a year, I hope they're normal/nice/they like me!
You're at move-in and see a very, very cute guy...
...and then you find out he's your resident.
So unfair!!
The first fire drill of the year happens when you're asleep... you're trying to move everyone as quickly and orderly as possible, all while still half asleep.
It's the first day of classes and you're trying to motivate residents who walk by the front desk.
Hey, I just like to keep it real.
Before the first floor meeting, you're trying to figure out how to interact with your residents.
You try to make a funny joke but all you hear is crickets in the crowd of residents at the meeting.
"Is this how the whole year is going to be???"
When you're checking locks on doors and open a door to an, um, intimate situation.
I could've gone my whole life without having to see that.
When it's your first weekend on call and you have no idea what you're doing when the duty phone rings.
There have been four noise complaints, someone is smoking weed, and the TV room is being fought over all at did not prepare me for this...
Trying to deal with a drunk resident who isn't listening or paying attention to you.
It's similar to dealing with a toddler.
When it's waaaaay past quiet hours and you're already ready for bed but can hear residents outside your room screeching.
When you can't think of what to bring to a program and ask residents what they want.
(Pizza is always the answer.)
Working the graveyard shift at the desk (aka any block of hours between 12 a.m. and 8 a.m.)
When you're on call and it's 4 a.m. and you keep getting calls and you have an exam at 8 a.m...
You're doing rounds and see that someone drew a penis on a white board you spent hours decorating.
Hanging out with residents in the lounge and they tell you about all of the illegal things they did off-campus over the weekend.
"Um, hello, RA over here! I didn't need to know this!!"
After you spend 12 hours making cute door decs, only to find some residents have ripped them down or taped them to the EXIT signs.
Walking past and seeing residents having a party in their room.
When you have to scold and write up a resident for doing something you did last year in the dorms.
(Really, it's only because your boss is standing right behind you).
When your residents walk by you at the front desk and tell you how good your hair looks today and how much they loved your program last night.
It feels nice to be appreciated and loved every once in a while.
Despite all of the stress and conflicts that arise, you and your fellow RAs realize you're all in this together and that it's just the best job.
There's no place I'd rather be!