Dwight K. Schrute is a crazy one for sure, yet somehow he is so relatable. As much as his character drives me up the wall, he's completely essential to The Office and makes me laugh until my stomach hurts. I think that's how most people view their older sibling. Maybe minus the laughing part. And maybe minus the 'drives me up the wall' part too. In any matter, he's freaking hilarious. Here's to all you older siblings out there- this one goes out to you.
1. Growing up was something like a dream.
I actually washed my siblings feet one time. For fun, I pretended we were at the salon. Looking back, I was actually the best. They had it good.
2. You loved always having someone to hang out with.
Also, our dog so eloquently became a horse upon demand. I love animals!
3. You were the guinea pig, but most times you didn't mind.
Hello, Neti Pot. What exactly are you and why can't I just take the pink bubblegum medicine out of a plastic spoon instead?
4. Your favorite day was the day your parents put you "in charge."
I was Queen B and the baddest girl. Who am I kidding? I still am.
5. Sometimes, you were forced to play the "Mom" card.
Listen to me. I am your boss, now!
6. You actually loved playing the "Mom" card though.
Every dang day.
7. Now, you find yourself doing them more favors. For starters, you cover for them daily.
Curfew, amirite?
8. You go through phases... You love them.
Hugs all around. Can't live with them, can't live without them.
9. And you hate them.
10. You're excited when they succeed.
THAT'S MY BROTHER. SHE'S MY SISTER. This is usually how I look when I'm cheering for them at their basketball games. Yes, this is completely normal.
11. You love to party with them. They keep you young.
They actually know the cool jams.
12. They keep you humble.
Nope, still can't par-core.
13. You took them on their first prank.
"Let's go cone-ing!" or "Krispy Kreme at 11?" Hopefully, you were't actually as cruel as Dwight.
14. Now, it has backfired. They prank you.
Whether it's a fake hair cut, or heavy sarcasm. My, how the tables have turned.
15. You love holidays because it means you get to see them.
It's a whole new reason for the season!!!!!!!
16. As you get older, it's hard to remember their birthdays- so you just throw one party.
Only kidding, I don't actually do this one.
17. No one messes with your squad.
All for one and one for all!
18. And even though you have your disagreements.
19. At the end of the day, you can't help but smile when they're around.
Shoutout to little siblings, because they seriously are the greatest.