The Life Of An EMT's Girlfriend
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The Life Of An EMT's Girlfriend

It was love at first swipe.

The Life Of An EMT's Girlfriend
Natalie Krick

I know what you are all thinking. "How is dating an EMT any different than anyone else?" Well let me tell you.

First I'll give you a little insight on our relationship. Travis and I met, or should I say "swiped," each other in July of 2015. Yes, you read that right, swiped. We met on Tinder! As cheesy as that sounds, it's true. Neither of us were looking for anything serious, we both mainly just had the app for the fun of it. But after he sent that first "Hey," it was over for both of us.

Travis is an EMT for a company in Spokane, Washington and he's extraordinary at it! For those who don't know what an EMT is, EMT's are first responders in the event of medical emergencies. They respond to any medical emergency, but the most common are car accidents, childbirths, violent traumas, heart attacks and accidents. Throughout our ten months of dating, he has had shifts varying from 2 a.m.-2 p.m., 9 a.m.-7 p.m. and he currently works 6 p.m.-6 a.m. at least four days a week. Even with the hectic schedule, this past school year he made it his mission to see me at least every other weekend. Let me tell you, going to school in Lewiston, Idaho and having your significant other live over one hundred miles away is certainly not for the birds. But we made it work! We both currently reside in Spokane, WA which has been the best decision I could have ever made. This past year has taught me countless things, so these are only a few that stand out.

1. You will never think you're dying.

Every person has a random ache or pain that comes out of nowhere, and let's all be honest, we've had the thought "I think I see the light!" Well, that is no longer. One particular memory comes to mind. One night while laying in bed, a sharp pain suddenly came from underneath my ribs and every time I took a breath it was like I was being stabbed. So of course, I shout that I'm dying and Travis is giving me the most dull face I have ever seen. "It's just an air bubble in your lungs, you're fine," he told me as he scrolled through Facebook.

2. If you are dying, he knows what to do.

Recently I found out that I may have an iron deficiency. It's nothing big, but being a girl who receives her gift from Aunt Flo each month, it's huge. One time during that wonderful week I had gotten dehydrated and with low iron, an accident was bound to happen. Well, let's just say I fainted mid-sentence and woke up to a terrified look on his face. Although he was startled, he remained calm and knew exactly how to keep me calm while also getting fluids and food in me. It seems as if no matter what happens, he has the answer.

3. Nothing will gross him out, and most of the time he wants the gory details.

This has it's advantages sometimes. You can go into gross details about anything that would normally gross out anyone else, but he will have the look like a small child while reading them their favorite bedtime story. A lot of the time I will see a video online that makes my stomach turn and he will watch it in awe. His most recent obsession is with DrPimplePopper on Instagram and Youtube.

4. You will learn to sleep alone.

An EMT's job is never done. Travis works at least three to four days a week, which means those nights I'm at home alone. Many people would think "OK, that it isn't a big deal," but it is a lot of alone time! This also means that when he does come home in the morning, he goes to sleep right away. This is hard because all you want to do is talk to him and tell him about your night, who you talked to, what you watched etc. My personal favorite is, "anything exciting happen at work?" By the time he walks through that door, though, he's a walking zombie. I'm surprised that he even has the energy to take off his uniform! By the time he is awake and ready, he's walking out the door to save lives again.

5. You take on more tasks.

Personally, if I am left alone with my thoughts too much I will go crazy. So I'm constantly moving or doing something. I will clean our room, do our laundry, then fold that laundry, do our dishes. I mainly focus on chore things to keep my hands and mind busy. But when I'm really going crazy I will read, color, and binge watch Netflix. But I couldn't do it without my constant support from family and friends who will deal with me when I'm going crazy! I have had all the support in the world from countless people, without them and my loving boyfriend, who knows where I would be.

But, the very best of them all..

6. You will love him more for what he does.

When Travis and I first began talking, he mentioned that he delivered a baby in the back of the ambulance on the way to the hospital. Delivered a baby! He is constantly saving lives, while also helping people get the treatment they need. Through the late nights, the sore muscles and aching feet, he will always run into the situations most people would run away from.

EMT's don't get the recognition or pay that they deserve. They work crazy hours, in crazy weather, under even crazier circumstances. Being the significant other of an EMT is never easy, nor being the significant other of any position! But watching the one you love do what they love is the most rewarding thing you will ever witness.

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