Have you ever been made to feel like you aren’t enough? Like you won’t ever be able to accomplish your dreams?
I recently went to a Demi Lovato and Nick Jonas concert. Before the concert, they had a guest speaker come from Cast Center, a recovery center located in West Hollywood, CA. Very few were selected to go, and my friend and I were lucky enough to attend. (Demi and Nick were even sitting two seats in front of us!!) The guest speaker, Cavanaugh James (instagram @cavanaughjames), talked about the “lies of less than”. His speech was incredibly powerful. I know that no one can help you change the way you think in one day because it’s a process. A small step in the right direction is a good place to start.
We all have thoughts. Many of us have thoughts nonstop, the majority of them negative. The thoughts obviously came from somewhere. Whether it be from someone, an advertisement on TV, or an irrational belief you have, it didn’t come from nowhere. The problem with these degrading thoughts, however, is that we seem to blame how they make us feel completely on wherever they came from. Maybe the thought is, “This person said I’ll never make it, so therefore I won’t”, or “The magazine said I can only wear crop tops if I’m skinny”. We believe these thoughts just because someone told us we should, without having any significant evidence behind them. Chances are, we didn’t believe these things in the first place!
How much a thought consumes you always comes from a seed. It can grow into a small bush or a sycamore tree. No matter how strong of a foundation you’ve built, it can always tear you down. So now you’ve grabbed onto a thought, believed it, and made it your own. You’ve planted a seed, watered it, fertilized it, and let it grow. You have the responsibility and power to take hold of your thoughts, and change them. You are not powerless. No one else carries the burden of your “less than” sign that you have labeled yourself with. It’s yours to hold, no matter how much it weighs you down, until you decide to put it down and realize that you are no less than anyone else. You are worthy of a beautiful life, to follow your own path, and to not be dictated by anyone else’s “shoulds”.
Every moment in your life, you are where you’re supposed to be. There’s a reason that you’re reading this article. There is a reason you interacted with certain customers at work today. Take the opportunity to learn something from everyone you meet. People hold an incredible amount of potential to positively impact others with their stories and actions if we decide to learn from them. You need to make your own path in life. Don’t let anyone else tell you where you should or shouldn’t be. You’re right where you’re meant to be, creating your story unique from everyone else’s.
It’s time to forgive and make peace with yourself. As Cavanaugh James said, “Forgiveness is quick, healing takes time”. Begin the journey now. At the end of the day, you’re never alone. Even when you’re by yourself, the room is dark, it’s hard to breathe, and it feels like the walls are closing in on you, you still will always have yourself. You have the power to decide to enjoy your own company and be at peace with yourself.
Cast Center: (866) 283-9885
Instagram: @castcenters