The regulations of this society are truly terrifying.
We humans are subjugated to a world of...
and Cadence.
We act for desires so far ahead of our lifetimes.
Yet we never know if we will live to see the day.
So to find life in this esoteric world...
we must find appreciation.
To view each letter as a star.
Each sentence as a sequence.
The sky begins to reflect on our papers
Our Essays, constellations.
Truly the sky's mirror.
It is when we look to the stars, we are surrounded by fascination.
It is truly one of life's greatest treasures.
It comes as it wishes,like the wind.
Never visible, only felt and heard.
Through the wind, we give the voice a physical [presecence.
It is the kind that defies gravity...floating.
We view it as its own.
Ignoring the constraints of this universe.
So when we become the wind, we are set free.
We realized that when we fail
We are only breaking the forces of this life.
So to live life without constraints, we appear to defy gravity.
Like that of a penguin who swims underwater, floating in its depths, with reason.