Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are historically unpopular candidates, and that's causing many Americans to look at third party options. Gary Johnson, the Libertarian party candidate, is the only nominee besides Clinton or Trump on the ballot in all 50 states. Johnson seems like a normal politician. He was the two term governor of New Mexico from 1995-2003. When you look past the governor's mansion, however, you'll find that he's absolutely crazy.
1. He's a crowd surfer.
Image Credit: Reddit
When you stare at a perfectly good crowd and tell yourself "Yeah, I'm gonna surf that," you may be cray.
2. Yeah, he climbs literal mountains.
Image Credit: Pinterest
Johnson climbed all Seven Summits (the tallest mountain on each continent). That includes Mount Everest. Gary Johnson climbed Mount Everest.
3. Yeah, he also runs literal marathons
Image Credit: Runners World
Probably right after climbing mountains.
4. Gary and Mary (Jane).
Image Credit: The Rooster
After serving as governor of New Mexico, Gary Johnson (of course) went paragliding. Unfortunately, he got in a serious accident that caused multiple fractures. To treat the pain, Johnson used medical marijuana. Johnson is still an avid supporter of marijuana legalization and served as CEO of Cannabis Sativa.
5. He likes to kick a few boards here and there.
Image Credit: The WeekBecause why not. This guy is literally up for doing anything.
While not of these activities are typically considered "presidential," it shows that Johnson is personable. The Libertarian Party has never won a presidential election in this country, and when Johnson ran in 2012 (yeah, he ran in 2012), he only got 1 percent of the vote. If Johnson can garner 15 percent support in the national polls this year, he could potentially qualify for the presidential debates.
Having a candidate besides a Democrat or Republican realistically compete for the presidency is healthy for our democracy. If you want to get serious and learn about the issues Gary Johnson stands for, check out his campaign website here.