To the Liberal Arts Major,
I am you. I totally understand the judging glances and nervous giggles you are met with when you answer the question "What is your major?" I get them all the time. As a writing major at a predominately math and science university, I'm about as rare as a unicorn. People underestimate us because we are pursuing an "easy" major. Honestly, being a Liberal Arts major is just as hard as anything else. While the others are difficult, there are formulas and templates to follow. Nobody gave us the way to do a sculpture, painting, or book. There aren't guidelines for creativity, nor are there right and wrong answers. It's not easy to be a Liberal Arts major, despite what our friends and families think. Being roommates with science majors, I'm the go-to with essay checks and ideas. They've learned to appreciate what I am good at, and I respect their knacks as well. Most people don't think about their difficulty in English being my difficulty in math. People laugh at me or call me dumb for being frustrated with something for school or for being stressed because I'm in the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences which apparently means that everything is supposed to be a breeze. We're just good at and enjoy things they don't. That's okay. Just like anyone else, we should be confident in what we do. Don't get me wrong. I totally appreciate my friends loving their majors and being good at them just as much as I'm glad to have found my place too. Don't let yourself be under appreciated. The next time someone asks you what you're studying, hold your head high and be proud of doing what you love.
A Fellow Liberal Arts Major