You're there when I need you, and there when I cry. There is no better friend then you mom. Being away at school has its hard times because you're not there everyday to tell you what happened. Sure there's the occasional phone call and visits on the weekend bit nothing beat coming home from school everyday and filling you in on everything.
You also helped me become the women I am. You taught me tone independent and to fight for my beliefs. There is no one who truly understand my quirks like you. As my mom you loved me unconditionally, but in that you showed me that you loved me as person as well. I learned the only opinion of me that matters is mine.
I love the times where we sit and binge watch our favorite shows, How to Get Away with Murder, Walking Dead, and Law and Order. The bond I feel when we laugh and cry while watching the lives of our favorites characters. When we talk about boys and all the jokes we make about celebrity crushes. You're like the girlfriend that's always there when I need it.
You have always been there for me in the times of need. May it be a bad break up, a fight with a friend, bad grade, or just a character on my favorite show died. You are there to pick me up when I'm down, bring me junk food and girly movie to make me feel better, and most importantly drop what your doing to help me. If anything were to happen while I was at school you would get there as soon as possible to help. If I'm sick you're there with a bowl a soup and give me a kiss on the forehead to make me feel better.
You were there to protect me; from pain, fear, and sadness. In the hardest times of our lives you were there to hold me up and keep me from crumbling. Even when you did all you could, and it may not have been enough but you did everything you could and that's what means the most.
Mom, I love you and I wouldn't want anyone else as a best friend. I hope that some day I can take what you taught me and teach it to my own daughter. I hope I'm even half the mother you were to me. Always remember "I love you forever, I like you for always, as long as I'm living my mommy you'll be"