You know that classmate? Oh, you know the one. That guy or girl who has everything turned in on time, has a 4.0, is in four clubs, stays active, has a social life, sleeps eight hours, and is basically a superhero? Well, I'm here to give you some tips on how to become more like everyone's favorite (or least favorite- envy is ugly) overachiever....but without wearing yourself out in five minutes.
Go to bed at a early-ish time.
Okay, I'm not a grandmother, I know that as a young adult, days can get busy, and sometimes you aren't even back home by ten or later. But all I'm saying is, if you get enough sleep at night, you'll be less likely to waste daylight hours being tired and non-productive.
Do the hard part first.
This can be anything. If you hate running, run as soon as you get up. If you're doing an assignment and you hate doing research- research first. If you aren't a fan of veggies, eat your veggies before your pasta. The way I've always seen it, if you get the hard part out of the way first, the rest is all downhill cruisin'.
Multitask a little bit.
Emphasis on 'a little.' Multitasking can have a negative effect if you're trying to do too much at once. However, if you can tie your english reading along with your history research; do it! Or if you have to wait for your TV dinner in the microwave, do a little five minute ab workout! Make the most out of your 'extra' time.
Do one step further than the bare minimum.
This is my super secret tip. If you do the bare minimum, you're average. If you take it one step further, you took it one step further than the average person, and you're now above average. It's simple. It's easy. It works.
Top load your week/day.
I always do most of my assignments/hard workouts/other unfortunate activities on Monday or Tuesday, so my rough day is over at the beginning of the week. Less time you have to stress, and a lot of time between bad days.
Set goals.
This sounds so cheesy it hurts. However, if I set goals and I don't accomplish them I'm disappointed in myself. Sometimes you can motivate yourself this way, especially if you're competitive like me.
Maintain the things you can maintain.
It took me 19 years to realize that if I just put things where they went in the first place, my room would stay clean. So if you have a daily journal you have to write in, if you have a kitchen to keep clean, if you have a book you need to read- just do it day by day like you're supposed to. Doing a tiny bit every day hurts a lot less than having to read the entire book or clean a week's worth of dishes in one day.
Speak up.
Honestly, one of the biggest keys to keeping yourself together is to speak up when you need to speak up. Most conflicts/scheduling issues/confusion can be resolved if you will just ask. If you are having trouble in class; ask the professor. If you need to move a meeting; let someone know. If you don't know which cleaner you're supposed to use when mopping; google it, because I sure don't know.
Fake it 'til you make it.
Most importantly, in life, and in being a lazy overachiever, if you convince yourself you've got it going on, you definitely can convince an outsider. Confidence is key. If you believe you can do something you can. (Or at least people will think you can.)
So you know, you don't have to be Superman or Wonder Woman to get all your stuff done, have a social life, get sleep, and do whatever else you want to do. You just have to time things right and take a few simple steps and you'll be on your way to being the world's second laziest over achiever. (I'm the first!)