The Lazy Neurotic's Guide To Staying Motivated | The Odyssey Online
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The Lazy Neurotic's Guide To Staying Motivated

Some advice that you'll probably never hear again.

The Lazy Neurotic's Guide To Staying Motivated

It's my firm belief that no one is born an ambitious person, you essentially have to hone yourself into one. This is the most annoying ever, but it isn't necessarily a bad thing. As we know all too well, staying positive and goal-oriented can get super difficult when the going gets tough and it feels like the odds are stacked against you. Half the time, the only thing keeping your sanity together is your morning cup of coffee and the promise of treating yourself to Netflix later in the night. But, if you find yourself being like me, and not exactly falling into the whole "Doing Yoga and Detoxing" kind of thing, here's a list of 10 unorthodox things you can do you let yourself a chill a little, but never let your eyes wander off the prize.

1. Allow yourself one time to binge eat like crazy and not feel terrible after.

Don't listen to people who say it won't make you feel better. There's never been a problem Ben and Jerry couldn't help with. And as long as you work it off later, where's the harm?

2. ALSO, allot yourself a designated amount of time to binge watch...

Actually, scratch that. Binge watch/eat at the same time. Probably get the same amount of zen as you would during yoga but don't quote me on that.

3. Drink tea.

It's coffee minus all the negative side effects. Plus they have basically every flavor under the rainbow. Light a candle, drink some tea and pretend you're classy for awhile. Give it an hour or so and you'll feel ready to do anything.

4. FaceTime someone you haven't talked to in awhile.

Sometimes its the friends we don't talk to on a daily basis that have the highest opinion of us (you know its true) and who believe in us the most. Call one of them. Catch up. Guarantee you it will stir up some good memories and positive feelings.

5. Invest in an adult coloring book.

They're super trendy right now and pseudo-hipstery and whatever but honestly they're worth the hype. Get the one that has all swear words in it. I would love to meet the genius who invented that.

6. Slap yourself in the face a few times.

A good friend of mine came up with this one. Works for a whole variety of purposes. Not too hard just kind of a love tap to wake you up and get you going again.

7. Go for a cruise (windows down unless its cold out) with your best friends and blast some trap music.

It's foolproof.

8. Allow yourself five minutes to cry and be self deprecating.

Just don't bottle it up. That is the actual worst thing you can do.

9. Study with the people that make you laugh the most.

It'll take you a little longer to get your stuff done but it's worth it in the long run.

10. Breathe.

So corny but so accurate. Just do it. You'll feel better. I promise.

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