The Law of Attraction is something that everyone hears about but not many people actually know about it. In simple terms, the Law of Attraction, LOW, is the mental ability to attract whatever we want into our lives. The universe around us is full of laws like gravity and energy. The attraction is one of those laws due to our minds being susceptible to the energies around us. We attract certain people and situations with this energy. It happens unknowingly because all of our thoughts turn into that energy which attracts those notions. Learning how to master our thoughts and becoming conscious of what we think about is putting the Law of Attraction into use.
I have been using the Law of Attraction for years and it has completely changed my life. I am still learning and I do make mistakes but that is what makes us human. We cannot move towards our goals without effort and overcoming struggles. Like anything, it takes practice and patience. You can manifest anything you can imagine with the LOW. We can create a dream life with our minds alone because the universe gives us opportunity after opportunity.
Everything in life is energy and vibrations
From ions to the planets, every little thing around us is constantly moving. It is a movement we cannot see with our human eyes, but our entire universe is formed from frequencies and vibrations. So, if everything in our reality is vibrations, we should be able to alter those small movements with the frequencies our mind gives off. The idea of everything being made from vibrations and constantly moving is a hard concept to understand but once your mind opens to this fact, everything starts to come into a new perspective. Let go of all doubts and embrace the nature of everything around us.
Like attracts like
Once the concept of vibrations is understood then we move onto the notion of attraction itself. If you walk into a room and everyone in there is in a bad, gloomy mood. You are more likely to feel bad as well. But, if you walk into a room where everyone is friendly and in a good mood, then you are more likely to feel warm and happy. Our minds are complex but we absorb what the energies are around us. Therefore, if you think negatively then those negative thoughts turn into reality and if you think positively then those positive thoughts turn into reality.
How to implement the Law of Attraction into your everyday life
The easiest way to start diving into the LOW is by learning how to ground yourself. Pause life for a moment and focus on the present. Sit in a comfortable environment that is quiet and relaxing. Sit with your feet firmly on the ground and ensure that your spine is erect. Place your hands on your legs, palms up, and take three deep audible breaths. Focus on how your breathing and where you feel your breath the most. This is grounding yourself. You can do it at anytime when you feel overwhelmed or when negative thoughts creep into your mind.
My favorite daily method of the Law of Attraction is the 17 Second Rule. It is simple and easy. Pick a time of day wether it is right when you wake up or right before you go to bed. Ground yourself and maintain a steady, even breath. You can do this laying down by simply doing deep breathes and focusing on those breathes. Using a timer, visualize what you aim to manifest for 17 seconds. See it as if it were happening right then, in the present. What do you see, smell, feel, touch, and taste? Really feel those emotions as if it were your reality. You can do the 17 seconds up to four times for 68 seconds once you get a grasp on it. Do it everyday for 21 days and I promise you will see positive changes or even your manifestation becoming reality.
The Law of Attraction has been around for years and not nearly enough people believe and practice it. By understanding what it is, you open your mind up to new possibilities. Start small and do your research and the miracle that is altering your active and inactive reality can absolutely change your life forever.