This past week almost all my Facebook feed has been flooded with the news that the show Last Man Standing, starring Tim Allen, was cancelled due to being too bias against liberals. Anything that stirs up drama in politics always draws my attention, but as a person that is a strong believer in our First Amendment, I was interested within the first post.
It is often times that when people post things on Facebook it comes off uninformed so I often take my research elsewhere to formulate my own opinion because if there is anything I hate, it is that when liberals and conservatives alike, blurt off their mouths about things that they can't back up. So I decided to watch the clip that got the show cancelled in the first place. I watched it and for the first time I felt like television wasn't flooded with what Tim calls "whiny babies" or what I like to call "snow flakes."
The clip starts out with Tim's character's daughter having him write a speech in order for her to pass her ethics class. As he begins going over plans for a speech, she says that there is basically a list of "no-no's" that her father should stay away from in order to not offend the students. He basically says there are less things that they wouldn't be offended by and he should be given that list first. Tim can barely make it through two words without having the possibility of hurting someones feelings in his daughter's college (shocker). He can't even start his speech with ladies and gentleman because not everyone identifies as those, apparently. He responds by saying, "I thought there were only two choices." Well, me too Tim and I always will. This pan, bi, queer stuff is starting to confuse me, two choices are much easier. We wouldn't want to offend anyone now would we. What really got me was when Tim's character wasn't even allowed to say that in this great country we call America we all have these great opportunities if we work hard enough. Because apparently not everyone has the same opportunities, I hate to be blunt but get over it. We all have some sort of thing that sets us back, no excuses just hard work. That's the American way, honey, learn it, live it, love it.
When the clip wraps up, Tim ends up writing a speech so sarcastic that I even knew he wasn't being serious. But I think the point here is liberals are bothered by this because it doesn't fit within their box of protesting. Protesting has only become okay if you're a liberal. Taking a show off the air because it shows an opinion only one side doesn't like is something conservatives see as a threat to our First Amendment right, it is actually getting quite scary. But when you're a liberal that listens to fake news on a daily basis when factual information is broadcasted, it seems like fake news. Welcome to the world of brainwashing-Hillary-loving-feminists. I have a problem with all stations acting like the Republican way is wrong. This is America, I mean aren't we supposed to be accepting and diverse like liberals would want? How does it feel with the shoe on the other foot?