The last few weeks are filled with all sorts of emotions. You're trying to pass your finals while balancing your social life. There are times when you love everything about the last few weeks but there also times when you could care less about them. The cast of "The Office" sums up what we are all feeling this time of year pretty well.
1. Looking at your calendar and realizing the semester is almost over
It feels like yesterday that you were moving into your dorm and saying good-bye to your parents
2. The thought of having to leave all of your friends
You’ve made new friends and grown closer with old friends. Leaving them will be one of the hardest things you have to do but knowing you’ll see them all in three months makes it a little better.
3. Attending study groups
We all know the pain of having to go to a study group. They are not fun and there is always someone who thinks they know everything.
4. Thinking about move out day
You know it is going to be a frustrating process but not living in a small room with another person and going back home is going to be the best
5. Considering dropping out but then realizing how bad of an idea that is
There is no point in not finishing the semester now so you let that idea fade quickly.
6. Organizing your end of the semester group projects
We all have these fantastic ideas of what we can do with projects but we all end up just doing a plain PowerPoint and calling it good.
7. Realizing how many dumb people are out there that you never noticed
With all of the emotions you’re going through, unintelligent people start to get on your nerves more than usual.
8. Actually, everyone around you just starts to annoy you
Whether it is your closest friends or strangers everything about them starts to bother you. However, you know that it is completely your fault and they are literally doing nothing wrong.
9. Figuring out that you can really only count on yourself
Everyone has their own things going on during the last few weeks, so that means being there for yourself when you really need your friends.
10. When the last week finally gets here and it seems to take forever for it to end.
The excitement about the end of the semester is all fun and games until the days go by slower than you could imagine.
11. When a professor tries actually lecturing during dead week
Isn’t it called dead week for a reason?
12. When professor assigns homework during dead week
*See above reasoning
13. Trying to put effort into things the last week
Putting in the minimum work is going to be the best you can do.
14. Finding out you did better than you thought on the last paper or project
There is no better feeling than thinking you failed an assignment and actually doing okay on it.
15. Studying for finals hours at a time
You can feel yourself going crazy the more time you spend reading and highlighting important texts.
16. Hearing what grade everyone else has in the class before the exams
Whether someone who has a worst grade than you and makes you feel better or someone who has a better grade than you and makes you feel worst, always an interesting experience.
17. Going into a final you thought you had in the bag, and then realizing you don’t.
That moment of anxiety when you don’t know the first three questions of the final exam is the absolute worst.
18. Going into a final you know you’re going to fail
There is always that one class that you don’t really know what is going on and haven’t really ever paid attention in.
19. Walking out of a final you know you probably failed
We have all had that feeling of failure after a test or exam but knowing we can’t do anything about it.
20. When you’re all done with finals
Literally the best feeling in the world
21. Knowing that you just completed another semester of college but there are so many more to come
You have the chance to rest for a few months but then you’ll be back at it again.