If you are getting ready to attend college in the fall, this one is for you.
No matter where you are going, it is not going to be easy. You must be able to self-motivate, go to class, and speak up when you just don't understand the problem or work.
College can be fun, but, don't let it be too much fun and end up failing. To be realistic, the percentage of failure and drop-outs with the first year is scary. Don't let partying get in the way. You are about to spend a good amount of money for your education. Once you miss one class, it gets easier to miss more.
With every class you miss, you fall behind a lot more than you would in high school.
If you don't know what you want to be yet, don't fret, It's OK. Not a lot of people do know, but you will figure it out along the way.
Use your time wisely. Join a fraternity or a sorority and clubs or organizations on campus. This is the time you will build your connections. You will begin to build you.
The best advice I have heard is that you must believe in your self to achieve greatness. With that being said, you have to believe in yourself and work hard for what you want. To be in college is a big deal. Use it wisely, use it to build yourself, and use it to grow.
Senior year, after spring break, will fly by faster than you can say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. Live everyday, love everyday, and smile everyday.