'The Last Of Us Part II' Is Almost Here And The Trailer Will Have You Covering Your Eyes With Your Hands | The Odyssey Online
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'The Last Of Us Part II' Is Almost Here And The Trailer Will Have You Covering Your Eyes With Your Hands

"You think I'd let you do this on your own?"

'The Last Of Us'

Ladies and gentlemen, the release date for one of the most anticipated upcoming video games has finally been revealed. "The Last Of Us Part II" will be released on February 21, 2020, as confirmed by a gritty new trailer that teased the return of a certain someone.

"The Last Of Us Part II" will see protagonist Ellie go on a journey for vengeance against a mysterious new cult, although what exactly she is seeking justice for is currently unknown. There were hints in the new trailer, but it could just be misdirection.

The game continues to look graphically absurd, the likes of which we've never seen before. At certain points in the trailer it's hard to tell the difference between actual gameplay and cinematics. This comes as no surprise, as Naughty Dog, the company behind past titles such as Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, have always boasted cutting-edge graphics.

What fans will surely be most pleased with is the return of Joel at the end of the trailer. While Joel is certainly a complex character who offered up one of the most thought-provoking questions possible (would you doom humanity to save a loved one?), he seems to have no shortage of fan support. Whether that's a good thing or not is a different discussion, but it is exciting to see him return and figure out what role he plays in the story this time around, since he is no longer the main protagonist.

The video game has already garnered a bit of controversy due to its startlingly high level of violence and gore. While the director of the video game, Neil Druckmann, has defended the game, it seems inevitable that it will be divisive. Regardless, it is the sequel to what is widely considered one of the greatest video games ever made, and people are anxious to see where the story will take Ellie and Joel this time.

"The Last Of Us Part II" will be released next February, exclusively on Playstation 4.

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