I am not out of control right now, neither bored. But it feels so good that I finally find a way to express my views on the last elections. It is not fun and I have had a hard time digesting the outcome of the elections. The night of the elections results was a nightmare, and I stopped thinking for a while. I actually led some superficial observations on how some Americans (mostly Republicans) tend to think, act, and react with others in their surroundings. But these elections brought a clear conclusion that almost half of America is heartless, angry and uncultivated.
At this time I really feel fearless to express my thoughts about the American election as a humanitarian, an engaged student, and a future leader. I am poised to openly state that America is not what most foreign and underdeveloped nations think of it. After following closely the campaign philosophy of the Republican President-elect, there is an intense sentiment that gives me a headache. I did not believe there was so much wickedness in the United States of America. Now, after witnessing this high voting rate for a candidate who randomly discoursed about protecting and promoting human values in this country, I feel insecure about my own life. I never thought there exist Americans with such a low IQ and faith. They manage to elect someone who does not really have a defined and clear objective to improve the quality of life, the secure human rights, race relations, and security for the world.
Who’s to blame?
Of course, as you read from above, I dare to support the president-elect regardless of whether he will change his mind and improve on his inner thoughts and policies. Any person with a positive mindset should see what category of people takes pride from the campaign the Republican candidate led: troublemakers, white supremacists, racists, sexists, terrorists, and angry poor people. This random victory by the Republican candidate through the Electoral College means America is currently the unsafe place for every educated, progressive, mindful person to be. If the government itself decides to change the philosophies of the campaign, it must also be in measure to deal with the angry citizens who tend to disturb the public calmness as well.
I have had the deepest resentments not for the elected government, but for the registered democratic non-voters who decided to stay at home or voted a third party instead of voting for the only option we had left for a safer and more representative America. As the democratic candidate’s slogan read “Stronger Together”, I really expected that all democrats and conscious republicans were going to make a difference, and show the world that America is not what the Republican candidate’s campaign was rooting for. Tough, the outcomes surprisingly showed us the true color of America, in spite of all the fights to stop this from happening on both sides of the most powerful political parties. I have had a hard time digesting these last events. As a student of color with a non-western and millennial culture, I really don’t feel secure in America. The victory of immodesty, bullying, and terror in America is a trigger warning that Americans are not what the rest of the world think they are. Depending on your ability of good judgement, you probably think more critically than almost half of America’s population. Before booking your flight as a tourist, student, trader, or foreign worker, make sure to check out which places in America are your best matches, or fly to another country where human rights are promoted and protected. Many thanks and respect to all the Americans who believed in positivism, virtue, and humanity by voting Hillary Clinton. She is the true winner, the people’s choice. Praying that America continues to be as great as President Obama leaves it.