As we have all been watching the current election unfold we have seen a myriad of politicians seeking to advance their policy, party and political careers through the media. In prior campaigns there was a more traditional notion of boundaries and respect for candidates despite personal or ideological differences. Unfortunately, we have seen this melt away from all sides of the 2016 Presidential Election campaign.
Instead of focusing on legitimate public policy concerns we have seen this campaign descend from principled differences in opinion to bitter personal feuds. Our politician’s poor behavior does not only negatively impact their public perception but harms the American people. Instead of trying to create jobs, improve healthcare and education and tackling global terrorism, our politicians call people immature nicknames should as “Crooked Hillary,” “Pocahontas,” and “a thin skinned money grubber,” to name a few such remarks. Making comments such as these help to generate political enthusiasm amongst the base and may draw in votes for a particular candidate but they serve no legitimate purpose when it comes to solving real problems that this country faces.
Our country is currently deeply divided by race, religion, geography, ideology, etc. These classifications help to form the genesis of our identity and can substantially impact how we see the world around us. Yet it is important to remember that despite our varied backgrounds and political and philosophical beliefs, we are one nation that roots its beliefs and itself in the respect for the individual and the rule of law. These principles are so fundamental that despite the fads of the moment, they serve as a unifying principle that helps to promote the well-being of all citizens. Our world is currently entangles in a dangerous crisis, the middle class is struggling and terror attacks of all forms seem to be increasing in both number and frequency. There are a myriad of possible policy solutions Democratic, Republican and others that could resolve such problems.
This article takes no partisan view and simply states that politicians should discuss how and why their proposals can solve our present day problems and what impact they would have both nationally and internationally. This issue transcends partisan labels but instead lies at the heart of responsibility. This article urges all campaigns to remember the country and its best interests and to set out their vision for its growth and prosperity.
This is not easy, and indeed is quite difficult. One cannot simply sweep under the rug our profound differences but we can recognize that our political opponents to have the countries best interests at heart. This does not mean that we cannot have vigorous discussions and debates on the direction our nation may be headed, but it does mean that we should cease from seeking to portray our political opponents as our enemies rather than fellow citizens. Whether this country will change course from the lack of respect in modern politics is yet to be seen but there is no doubt that it is vitally necessary for our national and international interests.
Dear Black People, Stop Saying The N-Word Or Stop Getting Upset When Other People Use It