Patriotism: (noun) devoted love, support, and defense of one’s country; national loyalty.
To the country so many people fight to live in, the country that has been absurdly disrespected during the modern era, I’m sorry.
The absence of patriotism the American people lack is incredibly sad. As American citizens, it is our duty to love our country endlessly and unite as one nation, no matter what the circumstances. But unfortunately, in recent events this has not been the case. Our nation is slowly dividing, causing riots and protests, disgraceful words, and other negative feelings toward our country. For our nation to unite it practically takes an attack on American soil to bring us all together: Sandy Hook, Pulse Nightclub shooting, Aurora movie theatre shooting, the September 11, 2001 attacks, the list could go on. These were all times the American people joined together, sending good vibes, prayers, and reaching out to the families, victims, and all those affected by the attack. Why does it take an act of terrorism for our country to stand together? Why is nearly impossible for us to stand together, respect each other and love our country?
The United States is a place millions of foreigners dream to live; the land of the free and the home of the brave. Life in the USA offers many unique opportunities that other developing countries do not have, such as: higher education, promising futures, and an infinite amount of opportunities for women. What people don’t understand is how great the United States is, yet we often take advantage of our freedoms and ignore our opportunities. If we really love this country we’d respect it, take advantage of the opportunities rather than destroy the core values of our freedoms.
The most recent example that truly shows the lack of patriotism in America was the 2016 election. The 2016 presidential election was one of the most historical elections in history; it was also one of the most destructive. Once Donald Trump claimed his spot as the Republican nominee, millions of threats became noticed admitting individuals would be willing to leave the country if he would be elected president. Threats came from iconic celebrities and individuals all across the nation, threatening to move to Canada, Spain, Italy, etc. How could people just pack up and leave such an amazing country? A country where we have freedoms and opportunities that others do not, a country that has built success for many, a country we were born to love.
The most disturbing part of the election season was the aftermath of the Trump-Pence victory. It showed the true colors and the lack of patriotism that the American people hold. Riots and protests broke out all over the nation, protesters yelling vulgar, inappropriate comments and burning American flags. What will the children think? Why are we teaching the younger generations to be hateful and act with violence with our disagreements? Violently protesting is one thing, but burning an American flag is just down right insulting to all. The American flag represents our country, our values, our rich history, and reminds us of our freedoms and those who fight for us. Burning the American flag shows hatred and promotes such a negative message. It’s a destructive, careless act that is inappropriate on all circumstances. Electing a new president is supposed to unite us together, explore our optimism, and put our faith in the individual. Mr. Trump is our nation’s representative and it is up to him to represent our country as a whole; so far all there have been is hatred and cruelty regarding his new reign. The election season definitely showed the lack of patriotism our country holds, involving hateful and insulting actions and threats that are only damaging our country and tearing the citizens of the United States apart. Instead of acceptance we have chosen to uproar, instead of love we have chosen violence, and instead of support we have chosen to promote inappropriate behaviors. We have voiced our opinions, our freedom of speech, yet in the most disturbing and violent way possible.
In recent years, our country has become so disrespectful towards others; to veterans, women, children, people of color, etc. Instead of support, we choose to argue, discriminate, and stereotype. If our values and beliefs do not align it’s almost as if we can’t get along, starting arguments every chance we get and becoming verbally, and sometimes physically, violent. Where is the love? It is our role to love each other and stand together, not fight over our differences. As citizens of the United States we should respect others, try to understand different viewpoints, and be accepting to those around us. It is our responsibility to unite as one and represent the great nation of the United States.
The lack of patriotism in this country is completely inexcusable. We have been taught since a young age about the history, the values, and the demographics of America. We were taught to love, respect, and stand together. If you loved this country, you’d be willing to stay no matter what. If you loved this country, you’d respect one another and love your neighbors. If you loved this country you’d respect its core values and symbols. If you loved this country you’d set aside your differences and make the best of any situation. We take our country for granted in so many ways on a daily basis, but it becomes unnoticed. We are destroying our neighborhoods, relationships, and ourselves due to the lack of patriotism. We have become fearful of our neighbors, our words, and our actions because of the immense amount of hate and lack of love in this country. It is our responsibility to restore the patriotism that has now diminished, to take pride in our country and to love it endlessly.