You are beautiful. You may have just read those words and then pushed them to the back of your head, so I’ll say it again: You are beautiful. You know how I know this without even knowing you or ever laying eyes on you? Because the very word of God says so. Psalms 45: 11 says, “The King is enthralled by your beauty; honor Him for He is your Lord." Read that again. Do you understand the weight of that verse? The word enthralled means to captivate; to capture the attention of. That means that your beauty catches the attention of the God of the universe. Take a second and let that sink in.
Stop telling yourself that you are anything less than beautiful. You are lying to yourself and even worse than that, you are calling God a liar. When God created the world, He “saw all that He had made [man included], and behold it was very good…” (Genesis 1:31). I believe that God, being omniscient, wasn’t just looking at what was on earth at that very moment, He was talking about everything He ever created and would create. Yes, that means you. God is holy and that means that He doesn’t sin; He doesn’t make mistakes, He has never missed the mark! He did not create ugly creatures or even “common” creatures. Everything He created was very good; everything He created was beautiful.
Don’t tell me you’re still not buying it? I mean, I get it. Years and years of believing a lie makes it extremely hard to let go of it. You watch on TV and see in magazines how if you only wore the right makeup, then you would be “pretty enough." You see all your gorgeous friends with their boyfriends and wish that you only looked like them and that someone would notice you. Day after day you either avoid the mirror altogether or you only see the flaws. Thoughts like these are lies straight from Satan himself. He daily feeds you these lies and you believe them. You believe that all anyone ever sees is your acne, scars, fat and awkwardness.
Stop that! Stop listening to those lies; they are no friend of yours. Nothing that continuously tears you down and makes you feel anything less that beautiful is not worth your time and attention. Are you done now? I know you are tired of the lies, I know I am; I know God is tired of you believing them. He would much rather hold tight to the truth He has given you. “For Thou didst form my inward parts; Thou didst weave me in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks to Thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are your works, and my soul knows it very well” (Psalms 139: 13-14).
Now, do both of us a favor and say these words aloud to yourself (even if you are in the library or around a group of people). I am beautiful. Do you believe that yet? Say it again: I AM BEAUTIFUL.
There is nothing wrong with believing this. It is not prideful in the least bit, it is truth. God calls us to be confident in whom He has created us to be. 2 Corinthians 3:5 says “Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God." See, your beauty, my beauty comes from God, so I believe that when you and I truly believe and declare that we are beautiful (because we are), that God is glorified. He delights in His children coming to know and believe truth; He doesn’t want us sitting in a pit of lies, so get out of the pit!
You are beautiful.