As Christmas quickly approaches and the last minute shopping begins, lots of parents with college or soon to be college kids wonder what we would want to take back with us. Well for those last minute gifts here are 10 gifts us college kids would love to receive and take back with us.
1. Easy Mac/Roman
Although these aren't healthy, these easy to make in under 5 minute meals are what we college kids sometimes survive on.
2. Decorations
If your college kid is like me, I get bored with the same old decor very easy, so for those of you who have college kids that like to change it up a little bit, get them something to personalize their dorm rooms a little more.
3. Coffee Maker/Keurig
Without coffee, how would we survive 8am classes? I know many of us wouldn't be very pleasant in the morning if we didn't have coffee.
4. Food
The way to any broke college kids heart. There are times were we are just always hungry, and going to our dining halls requires meal swipes which are limited, so buy us food to store in our rooms for the midnight snack cravings.
5. Reminders of home
Being away at home can be fun, but we do start to miss it. Get us a gift that is a little more homemade like a photo album or a scrapbook of pictures that we can always turn to on the days we feel most home sick.
6. More storage containers/Bins
All the stuff we end up accumulating while we are away at college is more than what we had originally brought with us on move in day. So for the college kids that need a little more storage to help clean up the room, storage bins are great!
7. Shower Caddy
For those of you who will be up coming college freshman, you're going to need one of these. At first you’ll feel like a complete freak but trust me, it comes in handy and you wont be the only one. You definitely don't want to be holding all of your shower stuff in your hands while trying to hold up a towel around you. Trust me, it won't end well.
8. Clothes
What more could any college kid ask for? Since you college student will be away, no matter how far, having to travel all the way back home to get an article of clothing is ridiculous. So instead, get a lot and we’ll be set.
9. Gift Cards
As impersonal as this gift may sound, we greatly appreciate them. Gift cards to any clothing store is hands down the greatest thing ever. The majority of us don't have cars or a simple way of transportation to a mall or clothing store. Having a gift card to one is way easier and ordering online is more convenient then trying to find a ride.
10. More food
Seriously, you can never have too much food.