Trying to write about kindness, the first thing I thought of was how kind of a man my step-father was to walk into my life and truly, make everything better. He wasn't mean, and he wasn't bossy, but he sincerely cared about the well-being of my mother and I. I know I can speak for the both of us when I say how thankful we are he came into our lives when he did.
I was too young to understand the extent of what was happening, I was afraid that this new man thought he was my real dad. But as we grew closer, I realized that he didn't think that at all, and that him being around made things so much easier for my mom and I. I began to really appreciate his presence at such a young age; after all, he always fixed my toys.
He went to all my games, matches, and tournaments, he pushed for me to be the best I could be, and when I told him I wanted to be a collegiate athlete, he helped me make it happen. He was my shoulder to cry on, and when he was diagnosed with Lymphoma, I was his (he's okay, thank God). This is the man that raised me; I know how to check the oil in my car, I can start a fire, and I can play golf because of him.
When he came into my life, I was hesitant. But as I came to realize how much he has done for my family, all I can think about it the unfaltering amount of kindness he used on my mother and I. He honestly changed my life. His kindness changed my life.