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The Keys To 2017

Tips for resolutions, focal points, and goals for the new year.

The Keys To 2017
Samantha Medina


I’m a little behind but now is better than never, right? Whether it be resolutions, goals, or focal points for the new year I find it better to have a clear plan of what you would like to see yourself doing, this makes it so much easier to just go out and do! I have never really been huge on resolutions myself, but I think that was more of an issue with not knowing where to start. Now, that I am growing older and have been finding what I plan on doing, I am going to share it with the world in the hope that you all will be inspired to do so too.

1. Make a List

Write it down. Okay so my therapist always talks about lists. My mind is constantly racing because of how busy I always am and you know what truly helps me relax before bed – making a list. I write down things I am thinking of, things I need to get done the following day, or just a daily list for the upcoming week on what I need to accomplish each day. Being an adult and juggling school, work, internships, ambassadorships, family, and a relationship means that I need to have my priorities in check. As a writer I constantly have a notebook and pen in any purse that I am carrying with me that day. When I think of something – I write it down.

2. Take Care of Yourself

I always knew it was important to take care of myself, but now more than ever it is especially important. Take care of your health everyone. If your mental health is not right, find a way to fix that. Find some counsel and seek help within that. If your physical health is not right (or even if it is) get some exercise. Stop drinking pop and pick up the water bottle instead. Moisturize and keep your skin nice. Keep your nails done – or don’t do them at all. Take care of your hair. Keep yourself put together. When you look good, you feel good. If you want to stay inside with pajamas on watching Netflix all day, do it. There’s only one you so make sure it is the best you possible and invest in yourself.

3. Love Those Around You

Who you surround yourself with is a reflection of yourself. It took me a long time to find my niche, but once I did I have never looked back. For some of you, you are going to find yourselves surrounded by a great group of friends that share common interests. For others who are like me, you are going to find yourself surrounded by minimal people who mean the most to you and that will mean a world of difference to you. Whoever it is that you find yourself with, make sure you love them and everything about them and make sure they know that.

4. Seek Opportunity

Opportunity is everywhere. It presents itself to those who seek it in the most unusual of places. Throughout the past year I have had so many doors close to the point where I did not know where to look next. Take things day by day and look in the most unusual of places. This might mean volunteering in an unlikely place, working a job you might not usually do, or even talking to someone outside of your usual circle. You never know - the next thing you do or the next person you meet might mean the difference of a lifetime.

5. Goal Setting

Set goals. These can act as a blue print for your year! Set both short term goals and long term goals. You would be surprised at all that you are capable of.

6. It's OK to Let Go

If there was anything holding you back within the last year know that it is OK to let it go. This might seem impossible however once you do you will see what you have been missing out on. Sometimes the best things in life are the ones that come into your life unexpectedly. I thought I would never be able to jump out of my old routine and now I have fallen in love with judging debate teams, working out, and reading books. You never know what could be for you!

7. Learn

This is a simple one that most people overthink. This world is enormous, indescribable. I have seen too many people stick to what they know and who they know and block all else out. Do not succumb to ignorance. By trying new things and meeting new people you will learn things about yourself and this world that you have never thought about. For me, experience has taught me more than any years of schooling ever have. Take it all in this year.

8. Eat Right

Everyone loves food. I love food and for years I ate anything and everything in sight because it never affected my weight. Although food might not affect your weight, it can pose serious detrimental health effects if you are not eating nutritiously. The best thing I have done for myself is to stop those 2 a.m. Taco Bell runs, stop eating McDonald's everyday, and stop with the sugar. I began to feel extremely sick and sluggish after my first year of college and poor eating habits was all to blame. It might not seem as good but choosing wiser on restaurant menus and eating at home makes all the difference. Since then I no longer need to take multiple naps everyday and I can feel refreshed and energized.

9. Financing

As an adult you need to be learning how to save money and how to spend it. If you are fortunate enough to hold a good job, my advice to you is to never leave it until you have another better opportunity come along. Set up a savings account if you have not already done so and put more money in there than in your spending account or in your pocket. Those tens will turn into hundreds and that will eventually turn into thousands. You would be surprised how much money you might mindlessly be spending when it is just sitting in your purse or pocket. That money can be put to better use later on. For all students who are working to pay their way through school, I commend you!

10. Join a Group

Outside of your social circle or your family, join a group. Join a group of people who are similar to you and share similar interests with you. Join a group of people who you are interested in modeling yourself after. Maybe you will enjoy joining a group that helps others or offers their time in volunteer work. My motto is always hang out with someone more successful than you rather than someone who is idling their time away in life. I have joined a few different groups of scholars within my school and outside of school and it is such a refreshing feeling to hangout with students who are similar to myself.

11. Travel

If you are blessed to have the opportunity to travel, absolutely do so. I have done a lot of traveling all my life and will continue to do so. This is a great learning tool and a great way to see the world and life other than your own. There are so many diverse places to visit that are probably unlike anything you could imagine. Get away from your scenery and try something new. Whether it is down state or across the world, seize the opportunity.

12. Do Some Artwork

I hated art class and art projects all through my school years. But as I grew older, I realized art is actually everywhere. Find something you consider beautiful and lose yourself in it. For some people that is doing others hair. For others it could be doing make up. Still for others that could mean decorating cupcakes or growing plants. For those who are more traditional that could mean sitting at a pottery wheel or painting on a canvas. This world is your blank slate - beautify it.

13. Find a Friend

I have gone through periods of my life where I had all the friends in the world and periods in my life where I had just a handful of friends. Whatever your case might be, find a friend. Someone you can trust and share things with. Everyone needs that companionship and that relationship. It is healthy for the soul to be able to share in laughter with someone else or to share interests and hobbies together. This makes our days even more exciting to look forward to.

14. Don't Give Up

Whether you did not make the team you wanted to last year or you did not get the promotion you wanted to or you could not mend the relationship you wanted to last year - Don't give up! Society focuses a lot on giving up if it is not going your way. If you are still thinking about it then trust yourself and go with your gut instinct. Try again. Try a second or third time. Make another effort. Be able to tell yourself that you have done everything possible and leave it all out there!

15. Get Enough Sleep

This one took me a long time to figure out. Figure out how you sleep best and do it every night. Setting a routine will be the key to doing this. Make sure you are getting enough of that sleep. We are living in a time where we all overwork ourselves constantly. Make sure you are getting enough rest in this busy busy world, it is the only surefire way to take care of yourself.

16. Be Thankful

Stop spending so much time worrying about what you do not have or what you want. Rather channel that and make what you want into something you are going to work for and earn. Start counting your blessings and realize how great you are and how far you have come. This will make every day just a little more positive for you.

17. Find yourself.

I am choosing to close with this point because I find it to be the most important. Take this year to focus on you. Find out what makes you relax, how to sleep better, how to save money and what things to spend it on. Find out who makes you happy. Fall in love with someone. Fall in love with yourself. Learn what it means to truly be you. You will find that in situations where you are completely comfortable and can get away from everything else and truly focus on you.

Let us all have the best year yet!

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