Like confidence, likability isn't something that you inherently have. Instead, it's a quality that can be learned and practiced. Being a likable person is essential in life, because it can provide you with more opportunities, enable you to connect more genuinely with people and help you to lead a happier and healthier life. So, what is the key to being a person that people just automatically like and are drawn to? The steps are actually quite simple, but they will definitely require constant and sincere engagement on your part.
The first and arguably one of the most important tips regarding being likable is to begenuinely interested in the other person. When people are conversing, most of the time, it's a matter of who talks about themselves more. In other words, people tend to turn the focus of the conversation to themselves without actually thinking about what the other person is saying. If you want to be liked, you have to display interest in other people. You can do this by asking them questions that are relevant to what they have previously said. This shows that you are really listening to them, which is a crucial skill in communication and relationships. Another way to show interest in people is to be present when you are with them. Avoid looking at your phone and prioritize them in the time that you share.
The second thing you can do to be more likable is to be real. No one enjoys dealing with someone who is fake or tries too hard to be someone he or she is not. Being yourself is advice that we hear all too often, but it remains powerfully pertinent, because it is only through being your full, true self that you can make authentic connections with others and allow them to openly see you for who you are. I honestly believe that each person has something unique to offer by being themselves. Trying to fit in with the crowd is robbing the world of a person's potential to bring something new and special to it.
A third, final tip that is obvious, yet equally essential in being liked and magnetic is simply to be kind. I don't ever recall a negative, sour and bitter person being truly liked by people. That's because likability doesn't work for these kinds of people. We are drawn to people that are positive, smiling and friendly, because all of these characteristics portray approachability and confidence. Being a good person and wearing a smile on their face is part of the magnetism of likable people.
These three tips are the most important tools that you can incorporate in your life in order to become a person liked and respected by many. It's important that you practice them in your life each and every day, and you might just notice your interactions and relationships with others change in a positive way.