Family is something I have always valued in my life. My parents and siblings are always there to fall back on whenever I need them, even when I don't. They have my back and are my built in support team. A lot of my reasoning for feeling this way is because of the many scenarios that occurred when I was growing up...
A lot of people grow up with siblings. It is always a conversation starter. "Do you have any siblings?" "How many? What are their names?" Etc. First, I want to say having brothers and sisters, whether it's one or ten, is a huge blessing. It has taught me a great deal of lessons and caused me to mature in a variety of ways I wouldn't have without them. One thing that is different about my experience is that one of my sisters was profoundly, mentally and physically, disabled.
This is something she carried with her from the time she was born and she was never completely healthy. She was different from all other kids in the sense that she couldn't walk, talk, do anything by herself. She also was prone to many more illnesses than anyone else, so you had to be especially careful when you were around her. Although I was years younger, I played an older sister role which I never saw to be common with others around me. Even when it was difficult, I look back on those times where I stepped in where I could, even though I was young, and I treasure those moments. She was such a blessing and touched anyone who met her in such a positive way.
As painful and sad as it was, she passed away back in 2007 after complications during a surgery. I miss her every day and love her endlessly. But what I positively look back on are the lessons that having her in my life taught me. She was, and still is to this day, the strongest person I have ever known. In and out of the hospital and battling whatever illness came her way, she was such a happy girl. She radiated with this sort of light that was automatically inspiring, even through the worst of her conditions.
I was taught to be conscientious of anyone, regardless of who they were. This is something I stick to every single day. Everyone should be this way. It makes me sick to my stomach when I see people being rude to others because they look or act different or when I hear them using cruel language to describe themselves or others. Whether it be joking or serious, it is unacceptable. And, I guess it is also appropriate to throw in that our supposed kind and loyal president was publicly filmed mocking a disabled man, which is despicable.
I was also taught to value everything I have. Sometimes it is difficult because, of course, I'm human, but I would agree that a lot of individuals struggle with that. My point is, I count my blessings each and every day. My family, my friends, and everything else people tend to take for granted. It can all be gone in the snap of a finger. It is so important to remember the important people and things that you hold valuable in your life, because, if I have learned anything, life is too short to take it all for granted.
My sister was and is my inspiration to live and love bigger. I cherish my family with all of myself every day. Of everything I was taught, I can say those are lessons that are the most crucial to me and I utilize them constantly. I thank my sister and my angel, Caroline, for everything she gave me to grow as an individual.