Many people spend a lifetime searching for happiness, but most of the time, they are looking in all the wrong places. The most important thing to remember is that happiness starts with you.
Whenever I get angry, I tend to blame the negativity on everything around me, not realizing that all of it could be different if I learned to see the positivity in the situations I'm forced to deal with. For the longest time, I thought I would only be happy if I made everyone around me happy. However, I learned rather quickly that it's nearly impossible to make every single person in your life happy. So, the best thing to do is to focus on what makes you happy; concentrate on the people and things in your life that make you happy. Once you eliminate negative people and focus on what's important to you, you can start walking on the road to true happiness.
There will always be people who will stand in the way of your happiness. I learned the hard way that there are very few people in your life that truly find joy in your happiness and grieve with you when you need them to. Most people in life just want to know gossip and only want to be around you when things in life are going swell, but as soon as things go bad, they turn on you. It really is sad how few people you meet in life who will be genuine and loyal to you.
Not to worry, though, life will teach you that you don't need anyone else's approval to feel the things you feel, and you don't need other people to be happy. The great thing about life is that everything happens for a reason; for everything that goes wrong and every person you lose, you gain something better, even if you don't see or understand it at the time.
At the lowest point in my life, I felt so alone. I did a lot of reflecting and a lot of growing. I cut a lot of people out of my life, and along the way I met a lot of people who taught me to put my happiness first. I'm so grateful for those people who helped me find my happiness and wreminded me that my happiness was a priority.