Freshman year was fun, we'd all give anything to relive that one. Sophomore year gave you a little bit more responsibilities, a few more things to figure out.
But, Junior year. I would have never expected you to give me so much trouble.
No, not the classes. They aren't terribly difficult, despite changing my major for a fourth time. But the toll that the 'J' word is taking on my love for the present, that is what is incredible. We've all heard of the sophomore slump, but they're not the only ones.
The junior year slump, is a real thing. Haven't heard of it? Just you wait. It seems to be the year where everyone knows where they're headed, or no one knows what they're doing. The year where you either love your classes, or hate every minute of them. The year where you either love your college experience, or you consider dropping out every time you're home for the weekend. The year where you're able to find balance, or stress is consuming you whole.
There are some things that you need to remember when you're experiencing the junior year slump.
1. You'll figure your life out eventually.
Some people may know what they're going to do with the next year and a half, and what they're going to do when they graduate. Actually, a lot of people seem to. But, why not change your major one last time, plan to study abroad last minute, and relish in the fact that you don't have to stick to a plan that you have previously laid out for yourself. Make it up as you go, and it will turn out even better than you expected.
2. Don't let your responsibilities define you.
You are not the things you have to do, the internships you have, or the organizations you represent. Those things are not what makes you the person that you are. Don't let yourself get so wrapped up in building your resume that you forget to build yourself and your life. Sure, college is where we can make our resume something special to look at, but college is also where we can make our lives worth living. This is our time to explore and you build upon ourselves. Don't pass up opportunities, but don't let yourself become defined by the ones that consume your schedule.
3. Don't let the things you once enjoyed become responsibilities.
When you begin to dread the things that you once did for fun, it is exhausting. Don't let things that you once loved to do become tedious tasks that you put off until they are absolutely necessary. Take time, like a big chuck of time, to do things that you are passionate about. Stop squeezing them into your busy schedule. Make time for them, because those are the things that make you who you are.
4. Don't let the 'J' word get you down.
The junior year slump will make you doubt yourself. The junior year slump will make you think that you belong somewhere else, it will make you feel like college is a job rather than an experience, and it will make you feel old. The junior year slump will make you feel like you are stuck at the bottom of a hole. But, you're not, it's really more of a shallow ditch. You have the potential to make this an experience rather than a job, and yeah you're a little older, but I bet you're legal (or almost legal). You are capable of doing so much, and your senior year self knew so when they picked this campus to bring all of your potential to. Your college self knows it to, they just need a reminder every now and then.
You can take on college and you can beat the junior year slump.