Most girls say that they're dating their best friend. However, that doesn't make it true in every case. At least, not true in the sense where your boyfriend is literally being like another member of the squad. For some girls, however, their boyfriend can go from being a cuddle buddy during movies and somebody to hold hands with on the way to a fancy dinner, to being somebody to rant to about all of life's frustrations and split a pizza with while binge watching your favorite series of Netflix. He's the person you jam out to music with in the car the most with, and he's the person that looks at you like you're the most beautiful person in the world. And it's the absolute best feeling in the world. Here's a list of a few of the many perks of having a boyfriend who is literally your best friend.
1. He listens to you rant about other girls
Regardless of how old you are, you are always going to get into moods where some girl did something that caused you to blow up. Having a boyfriend who will listen to you and always take your side allows you to work off that steam with somebody that you trust one hundred percent. And, it's nice to hear that you were right, even if you weren't. Besides that, you know that when he actually tries to talk you down from a ledge and tell you that, maybe, you were in the wrong as well, it's because you were definitely in the wrong and you need to apologize, because he'll only risk having you turn on him when he thinks he needs to stop you from doing something you'll definitely regret in the future.
2. He'll watch any Netflix series you pick
Whether it's some ridiculous comedy like Glee or Baby Daddy, or something a little more serious like Pretty Little Liars or Greys Anatomy, he'll watch anything that you ask him to, so long as it includes a night full of snacks, on the couch, in comfy clothes, together without having to worry about going out. And if you want to rant over the show because your favorite character is about to die (thanks, Shonda) or you're upset because you're favorite couple isn't getting together (still bitter over Puckleberry), he'll just sit there and listen (and occasionally even show his own outrage over the plot, because he'll get just as invested as you are.)
3. Every car ride is a jam session
Not only are you the designated DJ every single time you get into their car, but when you start dancing in the passenger's seat and singing off key at the top of your lungs, they join right in with you. Sometimes, they'll even start a duet with you. And, since you're picking the music during every single one of these mini jam session, eventually your taste is going to rub off on him. So, when you catch him humming a song from your favorite musical, you can totally call him out on it.
4. There's always somebody to take selfies with
Whether it's an exaggerated duck face or kisses on cheeks, every single event is an opportunity for pictures because you have somebody to pose with, and somebody to make every occasion a special occasion. A simple trip to Panera's becomes the perfect opportunity for a puppy-filtered snapchat update. Cuddling on the couch becomes a cutesy smile moment for instagram. Trips in the car become reasons for an adorable candid while he drives. Oh, and there's always a reason to make somebody else take your picture, because the opportunity for adorable photo shoots and poses is absolutely endless.
5. You can pig out with him
Some girls are embarrassed to eat in front of their boyfriends, especially in the beginning of a relationship. When your boyfriend is your best friend, it's totally normal to see who can eat the most slices out of a large pizza or to each have your own bag of chips for a movie night that you devour before the movie is over. Besides, you're typically the one to declare that you're hungry and ask for a random trip to McDonalds for a midnight snack or a run to the grocery store to grab some of your favorite candies and snack foods when you know you'll be spending a day binge watching. And, when you're on a longer road trip, he knows that the start of the journey is going to include a drive-through pit stop.
6. He doesn't mind waiting while you put on makeup![]()
Being obsessed with makeup, I'll spend forever getting ready. The best feeling in the world is having my boyfriend sitting next to me and watching me put on my makeup as though it's the most interesting thing in the world. And, he doesn't mind the addiction I have to makeup. For girls who take a little extra time getting ready, having a best friend/boyfriend means that you have a boyfriend who will sit there on his phone and watch you curl your eyelashes and paint your lips and fill in your eyebrows, even if it takes thirty minutes so that you can make the two minute walk to the dining hall for a fifteen minute lunch. The bonus is that when you're taking a "study break" so that you can go online shopping for some new makeup, he'll stop you, because he doesn't share your addiction. He just accepts it.
7. He tells you all about his life![]()
Every single embarrassing story that you typically hear from a boyfriend's mom while they cringe on the couch next to you is told to you by your boyfriend, because they know that you won't judge them. In fact, you'll return their story with a humiliating story of your own. Rather than have some relationship where the story about how you cried over your first real haircut which led to a somewhat ridiculous looking bob, being some horrifying, deep dark secret, it's a story that you both can laugh about and pictures that he'll post as a THROWBACK when he wants to show off some adorable baby pictures of his girl.
8. He's accepted by all of your friends![]()
This is probably the best part, because it means that you aren't constantly dividing your time between your boyfriend and your friends. Instead, your boyfriend is accepted into your friend group, so that when you're hanging out with the girls, it's not awkward if he pokes his head in. Besides, it means that all of your friends now have a best guy friend to get boy advice from. And you never have to worry about one of your friends hating your boyfriend or your boyfriend not being crazy about one of your friends. Both your romantic relationship and your platonic relationships are merged together, so that you can have the best of both worlds-literally.