I know my little bundle of joy hasn’t even arrived yet, but I can’t hide the fact of how excited I am. I can’t wait to be there from the time he is born all throughout his life as he is growing up. I know I’ll be the crazy aunt that’s absolutely obsessed with their nephew, but I don’t even care because I love him so much already. I can say even before finding out the gender that I’ve been on Pinterest multiple times searching for cute outfits and little baby gifts. And, yes, for weeks now I have been looking up all the fun things I'm going to make for him and things to play with him for when he gets older.
I'm so ready for this beautiful boy to arrive, that a few months seems way too long and far from now. It’s an overwhelming feeling to already love someone so much who isn’t even born yet. I can’t wait to spoil this little peanut and be able to watch him grow into the wonderful boy that I know he will be. I could not be happier for my brother and sister-in-law to bring baby Carter into our crazy family. He will be loved by so many, but I can guarantee that his auntie will want to be with him every second of the day.
I can’t wait to see how many people’s days he will brighten and how many times his smile will put a smile on so many of our faces. He is a true blessing to all of us and I'm counting down the days until I can hold my nephew in my arms. Anything that this little boy wants, he’s going to get from me, and I'm so excited to be able to do that for him. He has already stolen my heart and he hasn’t even come into this big world yet. I’ll be there to guide him and show him right from wrong, but also have him feel that he can come to me to have fun and always be ready to go on an adventure with. Being an aunt is a constant best friend and support presence in their life for all their years to come.
A few words to my little Carter,
As your aunt I will most importantly love you, spoil you and guide you with whatever you have questions about. Wherever and whatever you need, I can do for you. I love you more than words already. Hurry up and get here so we can snuggle and I can give you a big kiss!