Today, my first born nephew turned a whole nine years old. And today, I realized how quickly time actually passes.
I remember the day you made your entrance into the world. I was the same age you just turned today and I had no idea what to expect. I anxiously sat in the waiting room all night, granted, I did knock out in one of those chairs because I mean I was only nine. But the point is I was so excited to meet you and to watch you grow up.
A mere seven years later, I was blessed with the honor of being an aunt to two beautiful humans, with this second human being a little girl.
I couldn't have been more blessed. But, I only thought I loved you then.
I can honestly say my love grows for you everyday. And I am so proud of the incredible people you are both becoming.
I will forever be proud to hold the title of being your crazy aunt.
I will forever love you and be here for you, no matter what.
You will forever be my babies and I will always view you as such, so bare with me one day when I see those big brown teenage eyes staring back at me.
Your mom is pretty cool, so give her a break and listen to her and all. She really does know best. She also loves you more than anything, so don't take that for granted.
I can't wait to watch you grow up, but when I say that, I actually mean I can wait because I want time to slow down a little.
I wouldn't trade any ball game, Christmas play, dance party, movie night, or park day for anything. You both make me more happy than I could ever tell you.
Being an aunt is one of my favorite things.
Just remember:
"I'll love you forever. I'll like you for always. Forever and always my babies you'll be."