We all need to take a day sometimes. Our weeks are insanely packed, the weekends fly by, we always have a million and a half things to do. I know how easy it is to go through the week at 500 miles per hour and forget to take a moment for yourself. It is so important to remember to take care of yourself (or stuff your face with Chinese food and then a burger--I'm slightly ashamed, so naturally I wrote an article about it).
We all sometimes need to take a day to decompress. Actually decompress. Not the "let me do a lot of work today and catch up on everything" kind of day, but the kind of day where you lay in bed all day and binge-watch Gilmore Girls with your best friend. The kind of day when you order food twice (yes, twice), food that is purely made of carbs and things to try not to normally eat.
The kind of day where you literally have to take a few minutes to figure out how to get out of bed because it has actually been so long since you have last moved. The kind of day where you have to stare at your computer for upwards of two hours as you write this because your brain is the legitimate embodiment of a sloth.
The kind of day where you reminisce on old stories, and new ones from the night before. The kind of day where you think about how nice it would be to have banana pancakes and really make it a lazy Sunday, but that would also involve moving so you open up Grubhub instead.
The kind of day where you catch your reflection in the "are you still watching?" screen on Netflix and realize that your entire existence is a mistake. One of those days.
The kind of day where your mother and grandmother FaceTime you because "they're together and really want to see your face!" and then you realize that they really regret seeing your face. (I believe my grandmother's exact words were "oh my").
My roommate and I have actually been laying in bed all day. We have not moved once. It has been much needed and much deserved. Sometimes you really just do need those lazy days (valid I have so much work that I really should be doing, but that's neither here nor there. I'm telling you that 12 episodes of Gilmore Girls, very questionable food choices, and doing rock paper scissors to figure out who has to refill the water is much more important).
After all the things we do in a week, we need a day to relax and have some time to do all the things to don't normally have time for. Like binge-watching shows and doing nothing. When do we really have the time to do nothing? Sundays, duh.