If I could go back in time, I would hug my fur babies and pamper them like royalty. Cats have always brought me joy, and they've always been there for me. Cats make the best listeners, and it's a wonder that they still live at my house: I'm not exciting or rich. I don't have much to offer them besides food and shelter. Nonetheless, my five cats are more than happy to spend the night with me.
I've always wished that we could talk to cats. There's body language, sure, but I want to speak with them and to have conversations. That pleasure is reserved for humans, but I'm always fascinated by my feline friends. Felines are the strangest family members you will ever know. For starters, they're lazy roommates who do nothing to help clean the house. They sleep all day—and on that shirt you need for work. They go out of their way to annoy you. I have dozens of scars from where a kitty got a little too feisty; so why would anyone want a cat?
Cats are lazy, but they're adorable. It's part of their evolution. Wild cats aren't cute, but household cats are. It's not a coincidence: it's an evolutionary tool to make us fall in love with them so that they can survive longer. That shiny coat of fur is more than protection against the cold, and those marble-shaped eyes are more than for seeing. Each part of a cat is designed to make humans fall in love with and care for them. So while they can be annoying, they're certainly lovable. Don't believe me? Cats have taken over the internet. Go look at the thousands of videos of cute kitties and pet fails, and you'll see for yourself how captivating these foot-tall prowlers are.
I don't have the best cats in the world. Q.D. is an insomniac; Fluffy is depressed; Butter is loud and never stops purring; Noelle is insecure; and Panther is a coward. Cracker Jack (the cat above) had a neurological problem and would walk into walls. My cats aren't perfect, and they never will be. But that's fine, because they're the best support system known to mankind. My cats are always there for me. Noelle, who is a Munchkin cat, loves to sleep with me. I often wake up in the middle of the night to find her green eyes staring back at me while she washes my face. Q.D. has taken up a new habit this summer. When I watch movies at night, he hops into the recliner with me and curls up between my feet. Butter and Panther take walks with us, and they "escort" us to our neighbor's when we go play cards. They even take up for us. If someone in the house gets into an argument, the cats run and hide into someone's room—usually one person's room. We've assumed that that's how our cats take sides in matters. They're always ready to snuggle or to share a bowl of ice cream. I couldn't dream of a better friend.